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What Does The Style Of Writing Say About The Student: What Is The Value Of Knowing Basic Skills?

Style Of Writing


Good writing is not just about conveying information, but also about engaging the reader with your ideas. If you can’t write well then it doesn’t matter how good your ideas are. As an English teacher, I’ve seen many students who have interesting ideas but are unable to communicate them effectively because of their poor writing skills. This article will explore what the style of writing does tell us about a student’s ability to write effectively, and why this matters for teachers and students alike.

Are all writing skills equally important?

As you can see, the best copy should be clear, concise, and to the point. He uses appropriate vocabulary in a sentence structure that is both logical and easy to understand, such good examples can be found in free essays at GraduateWay. This kind of writing is not only easy for readers to understand, but also enjoyable for them.

Unfortunately, many students write like an old-fashioned professor: long sentences made up of complex sentences that are difficult to follow. They use words they don’t know how to pronounce or write properly (like “idiosyncratic”) instead of simpler ones like “fancy” or “funny looking” (which are actually used by native English speakers). In short, these writers lack basic skills because they don’t know how the language works at all!

What does the style of writing say about the student?

What does the style of writing say about the student? The answer is that it says a lot. The way a student writes can be a reflection of their personality, education, level of intelligence, and ability to learn. It’s important for teachers to know what these are because they will affect how you teach their students.

For example, if you are teaching students at a high school level and they don’t take pride in their work or show any interest in class discussions, this might mean that they haven’t been taught how to write properly yet. This makes them more likely to struggle with basic skills like grammar rules or sentence structure than children who go through different kinds of schooling where these things are emphasized more strongly (like those who attend private schools). In such cases it may not even matter if the child has perfect penmanship, because there are still fundamental problems with his/her writing style: punctuation errors abound; lack of creativity pervades every line (if any lines exist); etcetera ad nauseam…

Does the student have good grammar skills?

You may be thinking that grammar isn’t important; it’s just a bunch of rules and no one really cares about them anymore. You may also be thinking that even if you need to know some basics, you can figure it out on your own as you go along. If so, you’re wrong. Grammar is much more than just a set of rules for making your writing look good; it is an essential part of the writing process itself. And while it might seem like something only English teachers care about, learning grammar will be useful in all areas of your life — especially when it comes to reading other people’s work!

Rhetorical devices are another area where students should improve their skills before submitting papers or essays. This includes things such as metaphors, similes, hyperbole (overblown statements), and even understatement (understated statements). These devices help writers emphasize certain ideas by comparing them with other concepts through analogy or contrast in order to illustrate deeper meaning within their message – which helps keep readers engaged throughout longer texts like research papers!

How good are the sentence structures the student uses?

Good sentence structure makes writing easier to read and understand. It can help you write clearly, which is important to the reader. If a reader has to concentrate on trying to figure out what the author is saying, they won’t be paying attention to what they’re reading!

Good sentence structure also allows your ideas and opinions about the topic you’re writing about to come through clearly in your essay. Remember, it’s not just about knowing how many words are needed for a paragraph; it’s about knowing how those words should be arranged so that your message comes across without confusion or misunderstanding on the part of your readers/audience/students in general (in other words… human beings).

What happens when students fail to learn basic writing skills?

If you can’t write a coherent sentence—or if you don’t know the difference between “there” and “their”— you’re going to have a hard time getting that job. Good grammar, spelling, and punctuation are essential tools for all your work. They might seem boring and unimportant at first glance, but they are crucial to helping people understand what you’re trying to say in any situation.

If your writing skills are weak, employers may not think highly of the rest of your work. If you don’t know how to spell or use proper grammar correctly in emails and letters, then it’s likely that these same errors will appear in other professional documents as well: business plans or proposals for clients or customers; grant applications; reports on research projects; articles submitted for publication by scientific journals; etcetera ad infinitum.

Learn basic writing skills and apply them, they are very useful.

Basic writing skills are useful in all areas of life. They will help you succeed in the workplace, school, social situations, and personal relationships. Learning basic writing skills is like learning a foreign language — it will improve your ability to communicate with others.

Whether you are applying for a job or looking for a promotion at work, it’s important that your résumé is well-written. If someone cannot understand what you have written on your résumé they will not hire you or promote you! It is also important that an employer knows what kind of person they are hiring before they hire them. The cover letter is where we explain why we want this job and why we think we can do it well (or even better than anyone else).


In conclusion, you should always focus on the content of what you are writing. You don’t have to worry about whether it’s written in a formal or informal style because the readers will still understand it and enjoy reading the paper.

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