10 Ways To Improve Your Chinese Language Skills


Both newcomers and natives to the Chinese language often feel frustrated about the lack of progress in improving their Chinese. 

With the wide selection of resources online and at onsite schools, as well as the numerous applications on mobile devices, it can be difficult to know where to start and what will get you the most out of your time spent studying.

You need to take your time and make sure that all of your learning is focused on what matters most to you, whether that means using flashcards or setting up a study schedule. You need to focus on what it means for you; otherwise, it won’t be worth it. Also, consider chinese enrichment class singapore to ensure that you have considered proper classes to learn it. Considering this process will help you stay focused and serious on your learning process. 

Below are ten ways that you can improve your Chinese language skills, whether you’re just starting or are looking for some ways to make improvements.

Read the Chinese Language

Reading is a great way to improve your Chinese language skills. It’s best to read texts that are a little bit more advanced than what you’re used to, though. 

For example, if you’re an elementary-level student, try reading an article from a newspaper or magazine that is written for adults. 

This will give you exposure to new vocabulary and grammar patterns that aren’t easy for beginners to understand but would be considered basic by intermediate learners.

Find a Native Speaker

One of the best ways to improve your Chinese language skills is to find a native speaker who can help you practice. 

If you’re in China, it’s easier than ever to find someone who speaks your language. But if you aren’t in China, there are still plenty of ways to connect with people who can help you.

You could try:

  • Using an app like WeChat or Weibo (if you have an account), these apps will allow you to connect with people around the globe.
  • Joining a meetup group for Chinese speakers—the website has groups all over the world where people can connect over shared interests, including language learning.

Get a Language Tutor

If you’re looking to improve your Chinese language skills, one of the best things you can do is get a language tutor.

Whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate student, having someone who can help you develop and practice your language skills is incredibly helpful. If you’re interested and wondering about Chinese tuition in Yishun, you can find them online or in on-site training centers and easily ask them about what they offer. They can also help you if you want to learn the language.

A good tutor will be able to help you focus on areas where you need improvement and identify what’s holding you back from being able to communicate effectively.

If you’re just starting, they’ll also be able to help with pronunciation and basic grammar rules.

Take It Seriously

There are lots of ways to learn Chinese, but they all boil down to one thing: taking it seriously.

It’s not just about making sure you’re learning the right things—it’s about truly investing yourself in the learning process. If you’re not going to do that, then why bother?

You need to take your time and make sure that all of your learning is focused on what matters most to you, whether that means using flashcards or setting up a study schedule. You need to focus on what it means for you, otherwise, it won’t be worth it.

Focus on the Fundamentals of Chinese

If you’re learning Chinese, it’s important to remember that there are a lot of ways to improve your language skills. But the fundamentals are really what will help you get the most out of your study time.

Learning the basics of pronunciation and grammar will help you understand what you’re reading and hearing, which will help you speak more fluently. And by speaking more fluently, you’ll be able to have conversations with native speakers in real-life settings!

So here are some things that will help you improve your Chinese language skills:

  • Learn how to write characters. Characters are the building blocks of written Chinese, and knowing how to write them is an important part of learning Chinese. It can be hard at first, but it gets easier with practice!
  • Focus on pronunciation. Pronunciation is one of the most important parts of learning Chinese because it helps you understand what other people are saying when they speak it. You’ll need to learn some basic sounds first before moving on to other sounds like tones or full words.
  • Study basic grammar – Grammar refers to all those rules about how words go together in sentences, like subject-verb agreement or singular or plural nouns, etc.

Don’t Be Afraid to Make Mistakes

Chinese is a difficult language to learn, and everyone makes mistakes. But you can’t let that stop you. When you make a mistake, just keep going.

If you can’t make mistakes while speaking Chinese, then you’re probably not learning it. When you encounter new words or phrases in Chinese, try them out and see how they feel on your tongue before deciding whether or not they’re right.

If someone corrects your pronunciation or grammar, don’t be afraid to ask questions! This will help you learn even more about the language and culture.

Chinese Language

Practice Your Listening Skills

Chinese is a tonal language, which means that different tones can change the meaning of words. This can be a challenge for English speakers, but it’s also an opportunity to improve your listening skills.

Listen to as much Chinese as possible—on the radio or TV, in movies, on podcasts, or in music videos—and try to figure out what’s happening in each scene without reading any subtitles. You’ll be surprised at how much you can pick up.

Stay Motivated to Learn Chinese

If you’ve been trying to learn Chinese for a while, you know that it’s not easy to stay motivated—especially when it feels like there are so many other things to do in life. 

But if you don’t stay motivated, you won’t be able to keep up with learning new words or practicing speaking with natives. So how do you keep yourself excited about learning Chinese?

Here are some tips:

  • Decide what kind of learner you are: visual, auditory, or kinesthetic (tactile). Knowing this will help tailor your study materials and teaching methods.
  • Make a list of all the reasons why you need to learn Chinese, and refer back to this list often when you’re feeling unmotivated.
  • Find out what motivates other people who speak Chinese well and emulate them! Reading about their success stories might inspire you to work harder toward your own goals.
  • Have a friend or family member who speaks Chinese? Ask them if they’d be willing to help teach you some new vocabulary every week over Skype or FaceTime—you’ll feel great knowing that someone is invested in helping you learn.

Watch Movies in Chinese

Learning how to speak a new language requires a lot of practice. One of the best ways to improve your Chinese language skills is by watching movies in Chinese. You can find these movies on Netflix, YouTube, or other streaming sites.

Make sure that you’re using subtitles when you watch these movies so that you can read along and learn new words. If there aren’t any subtitles available, try finding out what the movie is about beforehand so that you can look up any unfamiliar terms while you’re watching it.

Write in Chinese Every Day

One of the best ways to improve your Chinese language skills is by writing in Chinese every day. This will help you learn how to form sentences correctly and understand the nuances of the language. It will also help you build up your vocabulary since you’ll be forced to use words instead of relying on translations or other resources. 

You can use this time to practice any grammar points you’re struggling with, or just write about anything that’s on your mind!

Final Thoughts

Keep in mind, these are only general guidelines to take with you as you learn Chinese. As you become more skilled and familiar with the language, rules become easier to break than to follow. 

However, if you have no prior experience with the language whatsoever, these different factors will help you increase your vocabulary and become a master of the language in a short time.

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Cameron Wei
Researcher educator specializing in Ed Tech, educational innovations, computer-supported collaborative learning, and technology integration. Based in Singapore.


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