5 Key Elements to Help You Revise for Your Physics Exams


What’s scarier? A crocodile or a physics exam? Physics exams! With your physics exams approaching soon, if you’re a student in Singapore, you must be already searching on Google for ‘popular physics tuition center in Singapore,’ but guess what? Wasting your time on the internet won’t be necessary! We have more accessible solutions to help you prep up!

Struggling to revise for physics exams is hectic and stressful for the majority of students (click here to get some expert advice on how to deal with stress). The subject requires special care, such as real-life problem-solving skills and mastering complicated mathematical concepts. No wonder why the demand for physics tuition is increasing day by day, the nature of physics is like that!

Here are five ways you can prepare yourself like a pro for your upcoming physics exams and score the highest!

1. Pay More Attention To Maths

Physics and Mathematics are real best friends. They are intricately related to each other, especially when it comes to solving mathematical problems. By getting the hang of either of these subjects, it will be a lot easier to achieve good grades for both the subjects.

Many a time, students who face problems in understanding physics also happen to be struggling with mathematics. Physics itself is a combination of several mathematical theories and core concepts. Therefore, mastering mathematical theories will help during your physics exams to a great extent.

2. Simplify The Complicated Concepts

You will often realize that many physics theories and laws, which are simple in reality, happen to be written in convoluted ways in many books. The same goes for phrasing questions as well. Hence from now on, don’t fall for these traps. Just like how the examiners intentionally make the questions seem way more complicated than they really are. Similarly, the concepts may appear tough to understand, but they aren’t.

Try to break down the concepts into parts and simplify them as much as possible. Rewrite the same thing if required in your own words. Follow the same scheme for complicated-looking questions in the exam paper too. In this way, you will derive the answer quickly, saving up a lot of time.

You may also consult websites like DifferenceBetweenz, which helps you understand topics and differentiate two similar subjects and concepts, for example, between universe and cosmos.

3. Physics Exams: Always Remember The Basics

If your foundation is weak, whatever else you try to build on that ground will eventually fall apart. Always make sure to get your core concepts right. Understand the basics first with all your heart, only then can you grasp the more complicated theories.

student preparing for physics exams

For example, try to memorize all the essential formulas regarding acceleration, density, mass, etc. Formulas make even the toughest of maths problems look easier. One more thing, in case you feel like your physics foundation is not strong, it is highly advisable for you to seek additional assistance. Arrange extra classes with your school teacher or seek help from a professional tutor.

4. Keep Yourself Organized

This is an essential factor for many subjects, including maths, chemistry, biology, especially for physics. Using a systematic approach while studying for your physics exams is not only a smart time-saving hack, but can make a considerable difference, probably you won’t realize now. Yet, it is never too late, start first by organizing all your worksheets and notes. Incorporate flashcards into your studying routine, if needed. This way, your memory skills will function better, and you will remember many things that you previously couldn’t.

Last but not least, avoid pulling all-nighters. Give some rest to your brain, too, especially the night before the exam. You should also make a habit of revising before and after each physics class. This will help you understand better and have a more unobstructed view of different nerve-wracking concepts. If you want to be more productive and smart with your revision, we suggest you study for thirty minutes a day. This will be much helpful in revising better.

5. Use Graphical Illustrations And Diagrams

If you have been underestimating the power of using drawings and mind maps to remember the concepts, then you have been committing a grave mistake! Just going through the notes without any form interaction is fruitless. Develop various diagrams to understand and remember complicated concepts easier. Breaking down physics concepts into graphical illustrations allows you to clear up any misconceptions you previously had and, more importantly, saves you from spoiling your results.

students celebrating passing physics exams

Moreover, to most students, it is easier to remember illustrations as compared to paragraphs of words. If you have enrolled in any popular maths tuition center in Singapore, you can ask your physics or maths teacher to use graphical illustrations for explaining complex terms. Do that to your school teacher, too, if he doesn’t mind accepting suggestions. This way, you will understand better and remember the information easier, improving your results.

Physics exams may seem to you like the end of the world, but no need to fear them anymore! By following some simple and useful revision techniques, you can keep yourself ahead of your peers without turning into a research zombie. These five guidelines will get you as ready as possible to bring out the best in you. Good luck with your next physics exams!

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Cameron Wei
Researcher educator specializing in Ed Tech, educational innovations, computer-supported collaborative learning, and technology integration. Based in Singapore.


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