8 Essential Tips For English Language Teachers


As an English teacher once said, “Language is a living thing. It grows and changes like we do.” This is true, especially in today’s world.

Technology has changed the way many people communicate with each other, which is why English language teachers should be constantly improving their knowledge of the language. Whether you are an absolute beginner or already have experience teaching language, these 8 tips will help you learn how to write an essay and deliver a fantastic lesson to any student, especially if you are planning to teach abroad.

1. Be Yourself

No matter how many people tell you that you can’t teach English without a TEFL or certificates, be yourself and your students will appreciate it. Don’t worry about not having a TEFL certificate or about not having been to an English school before. It’s important that you’re genuine and interested in teaching because if you are, it’ll show in the class.

2. Allow For Natural Interactions    

Languages are only natural if they are used naturally. So instead of teaching students how to speak in a classroom, let them try it out themselves. Be ready to correct or provide feedback if necessary, but try not to interfere too much. After all, you are there to teach, but they are the ones who are learning and practising their skills, so leave them alone when they do speak English to each other.

3. Be Prepared

Before you embark on your journey, know what you’re getting yourself into. Research the school and find out what the students’ level of English is like. Research your students – how old they are, their interests, and how much they expect you to teach them. Figure out how many classes you’ll need to teach per week (this will vary depending on the school). Are you responsible for giving homework? What extracurricular activities are available? Does the school provide housing, or do you arrange your living accommodations?

4. Get Some Training

While teaching English as a foreign language isn’t rocket science, it can still help if you get some formal training before arriving in your host country. Many schools will require proof that you’ve had at least a TEFL certification course before hiring you. Or maybe they don’t require it but recommend it. Either way, if you want to be on the safe side, consider that.

Tips For English Language Teachers

5. Keep the Classroom Fun

Creating the right atmosphere is key to maintaining student interest in English lessons. You can do this by being enthusiastic about teaching and encouraging your students to have fun with the language through games or group activities. Keep things fresh and exciting by assigning role-playing exercises or trying an entirely new approach to teaching grammar or vocabulary every once in a while. You’re also going to want to try to keep things light-hearted when appropriate. While students must take your class seriously, you’ll find that the best way to do this is to enjoy being there. Getting frustrated with them or treating them like children will only make them lose motivation.

6. Learn How to Pronounce the Names Of Your Students

This can help you build rapport with students. Learning their names is an easy way to demonstrate your interest in them as individuals and in their culture. Suppose you can’t learn the pronunciation of everyone’s name. In that case, you should try to learn at least one or two critical variations on each name so that you can call out students’ names during class without being embarrassed.

7. Start Small

Every profession has its jargon. And the ESL (English as a Second Language) profession is no different. There are many terms you must learn if you want to do well in teaching English abroad. The best way to tackle this challenge is by “starting small.” Learning one or two words at a time might seem like an insignificant amount, but it is better than nothing. If you can master the vocabulary that English teachers use, you will be able to communicate with ease and confidence.

8. Surround Yourself with Other Teachers

The more teachers you are surrounded with, the more you will learn about teaching English abroad, and valuable resources will become available. Your peers are excellent sources of information, support, and encouragement. You could find yourself in a similar situation as your colleagues, so it never hurts to know what other teachers have encountered during their teaching experiences. You could learn from the positive experiences of others while protecting yourself from the negative ones.

What Makes A Good Language Teacher?

What makes a good language teacher? That’s a question I hear all the time, and it’s one I don’t think anyone has ever been able to answer. Sure, there are some basic requirements:

  • Teachers should know the language they are teaching
  • They should be patient
  • They should have a solid grasp of grammar

In reality, it is impossible to become a genuinely great teacher without being open to and willing to receive constructive criticism. So here are some questions you might want to ask:

  • Are there any parts of my lesson that you didn’t understand?
  • What went well today? What didn’t?
  • Is there anything I’m not explaining clearly?
  • A good teacher needs to engage students of different ages, learning styles, and abilities. To do this, teachers must work as both educators and psychologists. They need to understand linguistics and grammar, how people learn languages, and what challenges different students may face.
  • They need to read their students’ reactions and respond accordingly. No two language lessons are ever the same in a classroom, with students interacting differently during different activities.
  • A good teacher should also know when it’s time for a new approach or technique; sometimes, things that worked well in the past may become stale or boring for students who are used to doing things differently at school or home. Teachers need to keep up with changing trends in teaching methods to ensure that they’re always at the cutting edge of education.

Tips For English Language Teachers: Conclusion

In conclusion, these are eight essential tips to help you become a better English language teacher abroad. There is no secret recipe to reach it; you only need to be patient and hard-working, and plan your lessons carefully.

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Cameron Wei
Researcher educator specializing in Ed Tech, educational innovations, computer-supported collaborative learning, and technology integration. Based in Singapore.


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