4 Ways To Ensure Your Kids Spend Some Time Outdoors

Did you know the average child in the U.S. spends between four to seven minutes daily playing outdoors but over seven hours daily in front of a screen? 

According to the Mayo Clinic, children who spend too much time in front of a screen have higher instances of obesity, attention issues, delays in social and language skills development, behavioral problems, insufficient sleep, and more. It pays to find ways to encourage children to spend more time playing outdoors.

But what can you do to ensure your kids spend quality time outside – and actually enjoy doing so? Continue reading to discover four ways you can do just that.

1. Plan an Outdoor BBQ

Regular family dinners are linked to a decline in instances of the following:

  • Depression
  • Eating disorders
  • Anxiety
  • Substance abuse

One way to enjoy some outdoor family time is to plan a BBQ. Why not fire up the old grill and enjoy lunch or dinner on the patio deck? 

Everyone can help plan the menu and prepare the food. While outside, play some games. A little physical activity after the meal will help everyone burn off some calories.

2. Go Bike Riding

Do you and your kids like to ride bikes? Why not spend an afternoon exploring the neighborhood on two wheels? Bike riding is a great way to enjoy time together as a family, get some fresh air in your lungs, and engage in some needed physical activity. Just make sure everyone’s safe. Do a safety check that includes the following:

  • Ensure the tires are properly inflated
  • Check the brakes
  • Equip everyone with a proper-fitting helmet 

When your family goes for bike rides together, you can all burn calories, build strength, improve flexibility, and more. The family that plays together stays healthy together.

Did you know kids between the ages of three and five should be active throughout the day? Research also shows that kids between the ages of six and 17 should be active for one hour daily. Biking as a family is an excellent way for kids to get physical activity.

3. Play at the Playground

Going to the playground isn’t all about fun and games. Your kids will get some crucial benefits when they enjoy physical activity at a playground. They include the following:

  • Better balance and flexibility
  • Motor skills development
  • Muscle strengthening

Remember that the playground equipment at any given park is important. So, find a playground with the right equipment. The equipment should provide a challenge, be accessible to children of different abilities, and be fun for your children.

4. Go Camping

Get your kids out of their comfort zones. You can do that by going off the beaten path for a weekend of camping at St Barts Villas. It might be a culture shock if they’re not used to being in nature. But it can be a creative way for them to recalibrate. 

Camping at a national park will be fun. Whether a national park is in your state or another state, plan a trip to spend some time in nature. Enjoy hiking, swimming, and wildlife-watching during the day — and sit around a roaring fire roasting marshmallows in the evening.

You might have your work cut out for you if the goal is to get your kids to spend more time outdoors. That’s especially the case if they’re accustomed to spending a lot of time staring at a screen. The good news is that you don’t have to go far to get the benefits of enjoying some outdoor time. In fact, it can be as easy as spending an afternoon in the backyard or enjoying a few hours at the neighborhood park.

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Nicole helps parents obtain the education and skills needed to raise physically, psychologically, and emotionally healthy children. She works with public and private schools in Philadelphia, in a variety of settings to assist parents in understanding the development of their child and approaches to behavior management, and/or serve as an advocate for the child and family in stressful or transitional situations.


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