9 Ways To Help Your Kids Perform Better In Primary School

Primary school is a pivotal phase in the educational journey of students. As parents, ensuring your children excel during these formative years is crucial. With over 10.6 million students attending schools in the United Kingdom in 2021–2022, the competition and drive for academic excellence are evident.

Students at this stage not only grasp fundamental knowledge but also shape their perspectives on learning. So, how can parents be more instrumental in this progression? The answer combines multiple strategies.

Let’s discuss some of those strategies to ensure you can help your kids perform better in primary school.

Take Advantage of Online Education

With the rise of online platforms, education has changed dramatically. As our world gets more and more digital, online education has become extremely helpful for students. Remarkably, recent data reveals that in the UK alone, 21% of the population turns to some form of online learning.

The function of skilled educators is crucial to this change. It’s not just about the platform but also the calibre of teachers driving it. With their refined skills and techniques, these educators bring forth tailored learning experiences. They craft personalised plans, factoring in each student’s unique needs and pace.

For example, known for their excellence, Cambridge Online Tutors provide exceptional guidance to young learners, aligned perfectly with the UK curriculum, thereby offering children the advantage of deeper subject comprehension.

Establish a Stable Routine

A structured day provides a foundation for academic success. It’s not merely about setting rules but creating a rhythm children can rely on. Their internal clock stabilises when they wake up, eat, and sleep at the same hours daily.

This stability aids in optimising their alertness and focus during learning hours. Assigning a specific time for homework ensures they approach it with a refreshed mind and reduced distractions.

Moreover, knowing what to expect reduces anxiety and resistance. A stable routine ensures they have enough rest, a key factor in memory retention and cognitive function.

Help Your Kids

Foster a Love for Reading

Instilling a passion for reading in children offers endless benefits. Children naturally expand their vocabulary when engaging with different stories and characters. This exposure allows them to articulate their thoughts more clearly and effectively.

Regular visits to the local library can expose them to various genres, each offering unique lessons and insights. Setting aside dedicated reading time at home further emphasises its importance. Moreover, as children delve into books, their comprehension skills strengthen.

They begin to understand intricate plot details, character motivations, and underlying themes. This analytical ability, ignited by reading, also proves invaluable in other academic areas.

Engage in Constructive Feedback

Feedback, when given thoughtfully, can boost children’s growth in remarkable ways. It’s essential to move beyond mere grades and delve into the substance of their learnings. When parents actively engage in discussions about what children understand, it elevates their motivation.

Even if outcomes aren’t perfect, celebrating their efforts boosts their confidence. When they stumble upon challenges, it’s crucial to address their worries. Providing clarity and guidance on specific areas they struggle with promotes resilience.

This kind of support also equips children with problem-solving skills. It involves cultivating an attitude that views setbacks as opportunities to advance.

Create a Conducive Study Environment

A suitable study environment can greatly influence a child’s academic performance. It’s not about grandeur but simplicity and functionality. The primary goal is to eliminate distractions. This ensures your child remains focused on the tasks at hand.

External noises or frequent interruptions can divert their attention. Therefore, allocating even a simple corner in the house, devoid of such disturbances, becomes important.

Comfort is key. A chair that supports good posture, adequate lighting, and accessibility to necessary supplies like pens, books, and notebooks can make a significant difference. It’s about creating a zone where their mind knows it’s time for work.

Stay Involved with School Activities

Active involvement in your child’s educational journey sends a clear message: their academic progress matters to you. When parents attend parent-teacher meetings, they gain firsthand insights into their child’s strengths, areas for growth, and social dynamics.

Such interactions also promote a closer relationship with educators, making collaboration for a child’s success more seamless. Whether it’s a sports day or a cultural programme, participating in school events improves a child’s confidence. They see their achievements being acknowledged and valued.

Regular communication with teachers keeps parents informed about developments, ensuring timely intervention if needed. More than the information, it’s the genuine interest that counts. When children see this commitment, it often motivates them to perform better and strengthens the bond between home and school.

Encourage Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities are more than mere pastimes. They promote holistic growth. Engaging in sports, for instance, teaches children the essence of teamwork and the importance of perseverance. They learn that setbacks are a part of growth, and it’s not about winning but giving their best.

Arts and crafts cultivate creativity, allowing children to express themselves uniquely. It hones their attention to detail and nurtures their problem-solving skills. Music, on the other hand, enhances concentration and offers a therapeutic outlet for emotions.

Moreover, these activities instil discipline, as mastering any skill demands dedication and consistent effort.

Highlight the Importance of Mental Health

Children, much like adults, can face challenges with their mental health. Noticing subtle changes in behaviour, mood, or even social interactions can provide early indicators of stress or anxiety. It’s essential to approach such concerns gently, initiating open-ended conversations.

Let them know they have a safe space to share their worries. Creating an environment where feelings are validated can make a significant difference. Listening attentively, without rushing to solutions, often helps them understand their feelings.

Reinforce the idea that everyone has tough days and seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Teachers often report that emotionally supported children tend to participate more actively and exhibit enhanced concentration in class.

Reinforce Learning through Practical Examples

Everyday activities present numerous opportunities for reinforcing academic concepts, often making them more memorable for children. A simple visit to the supermarket becomes a hands-on lesson in arithmetic, as children can help tally the bill or determine if they’re getting the best value for money by comparing products.

Similarly, when you’re cooking, discuss the science behind why bread rises or why water boils. If you’re gardening, delve into biology, discussing plants and their life cycles. During family outings to historical landmarks, introduce bits of history and culture. These practical examples not only solidify theoretical knowledge but also spark curiosity.


Primary education is the foundation of a child’s academic future. And parents play a vital role in shaping this journey. By adopting structured routines, prioritising mental well-being, and making learning relevant, parents can pave the path to success.

Engaging in school activities and fostering extracurricular interests help in holistic development. Ensuring a conducive environment and consistent feedback are key. Every strategy, combined, empowers children to navigate their early education effectively, building a strong foundation for their future.

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Nicole helps parents obtain the education and skills needed to raise physically, psychologically, and emotionally healthy children. She works with public and private schools in Philadelphia, in a variety of settings to assist parents in understanding the development of their child and approaches to behavior management, and/or serve as an advocate for the child and family in stressful or transitional situations.


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