Christopher Bronke

An energetic teacher, presenter, and leader, Christopher Bronke brings a wealth of research, classroom, and leadership experience to professional learning while empowering participants to reflect deeply upon their own practice to facilitate growth and collaboration. As a practicing English teacher and department chair at Downers Grove North in Illinois, Bronke is incredibly passionate about supporting others in their learning.
Bronke has held numerous teacher leadership positions at the national level including a seat on the Teacher Advisory Council for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and as the Associate Chair for the Conference on English Leadership. Bronke holds master’s degrees in Teaching and Learning as well as Educational Leadership and has recently begun working on his EdD from Northern Illinois University in the field of educational leadership.
Bronke designs and delivers presentations on assessment theory and design, standards-based instruction, curriculum design, creating a teacher brand, blogging to empower teacher voice and change, collaborative leadership, teacher leadership, and fostering innovation through social media, creative writing, and authentic assessment. A champion of teacher voice, Chris has been on the Executive Planning Committee for three Elevating and Celebrating Effective Teachers and Teaching (ECET2) national convenings as well as the planning lead for two ECET2 regional events in Chicago. His work has been featured in The Atlantic, Teaching Channel, the Chicago Sun-Times, Language Arts Journal of Michigan, Let’s Recap and more. Additionally, his work has been highlighted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, on EduTalk Radio, at the Conference on English Leadership, and by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). Christopher also works as a consultant for Novak Educational Consulting with a focus on deeper learning and standards-based grading.