7 Classroom Management Tips For Preschool Teachers


Managing a classroom is not easy — especially with young children on the line. Children in their formative years are still learning the basics of socialization, and the vast amount of things to consider can leave an unprepared coordinator scratching their head.

From keeping the classroom orderly to comforting a tearful child, teachers are well-equipped to deal with the most unruly of kids. But even for the best of us, the dynamic environment of the classroom can bring forth loads of surprises. And we need to be constantly on our feet to set them up for their later years – whether in a preschool and early education setting, or even later on in their educational journey.

Teachers and aspirants, here are some classroom tips to help you remain patient and manage the classroom.

1. Apply the right tone of voice

Preschoolers are highly receptive when it comes to the language used around them. It’s the foundation of how they speak and interact with the world. These are also the years when they start to associate what they feel inside into words. As such, it’s important to communicate with them clearly at all times. If they ask you questions, give them a direct answer.

Express joy and praise them when they clean up after themselves. If they’ve done something rude to another child, talk to them sternly and clearly tell them what’s wrong. Sometimes, they may not get it right the first time. So it’s important to repeat what you said in a way that can give the complete picture. 

2. Set clear expectations

As early as the first day of school, it’s important to show your students how to behave in the classroom. Properly lay down to them a list of rules to abide by; it will help them understand what’s allowed in the classroom vs what’s not. Knowing the ‘Why’s and ‘How’s of model behaviour is important, but it’s equally vital to model these behaviours and actions in front of them too. 

preschool classroom

3. Practise what you preach

Telling them to be respectful to the school nurse or janitor is easy, but showing them that you practise what you preach leaves a more lasting impression. 

Whether it’s in the classroom, hallways, or cafeteria, your students will retain an image of you regardless of whether you’re at the teacher’s table or not. They look up to you — so as long as they’re around, show that you genuinely care about them.

4. Show genuine interest to your students

Whether it’s the first day of school or the first thing in the morning, try upholding a ritual of greeting your students as you see them. It’s not only to build rapport, but it also brands you as an approachable authority figure that appreciates their presence. This boosts their self-esteem and also creates respect and trust. 

If they like you, this interest will carry on to what you teach. This will make them care about the modules and the teaching programs, helping them learn and absorb more of your teachings along the way.

5. Don’t punish the entire class for one kid’s actions

Did one or two of your students misbehave during class hours? Before thinking about calling their attention mid-class, you should keep in mind the students who were on-task the entire time. By punishing the entire class for the misdeeds of a few, you’ll hurt the relationships of those who were following instructions.

If the punishment is regarded as a learning experience that the class can follow, be gentle in your tone. You can call out inappropriate behaviour and acknowledge it without jeopardizing the relationship between you and the class. 

One way of acknowledging inappropriate behaviour is by calling out the specific students who caused it and asking them a question to catch their attention. Ask them, “Is there something you want to say in front of the class?” or “Do you need help focusing?” instead of provoking them and shaming them with verbal commands.

6. Build up excitement for lesson plans

You don’t have to rely solely on the textbook when it comes to constructing lesson plans. Encourage the notion of giving out group work, fun videos, and games to help your students learn more about their lessons. Each student follows a different learning preference, so it’s best to promote activities that promote each learning style. This will help bring a more balanced form of learning for everyone to participate in and go beyond a purely-lecture relationship.

Another way to help them stay engaged is by giving them an outline beforehand about what to expect. Preface it by saying, “Throughout the day, you’ll learn about…” and spin the topic in a fun light as much as possible. In the end, you can even give out what group activity will be held so they’ll have that within their heads. This will help dissuade them to misbehave and keep them engaged and expectant over the topics to come.

7. Encourage children to take initiative

Children are naturally curious about the world, and they tend to learn more through the senses or by asking questions. Praise them if they exemplify the desire to explore and learn more about the topic. By doing so, you’ll reinforce them to follow a growth mindset. 

This will be useful not in the classroom, but outside it as well, since it will foster motivation, resilience and persistence.

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Stephen Marr
Education born and bred. I have worked as a teacher for many private language schools, as a test centre administrator, as a teacher trainer, as an educational consultant, and as a publisher. I am an advocate for literacy and a huge proponent of using technology in the classroom. I mostly write about English Language Teaching. I live in Oxford.


  1. The Teacher Treasury The Teacher Treasury

    Encouraging students to speak really boosts their confidence and self-esteem. They will surely remember it until they grow up.

  2. Classroom management plays an essential role to improve students’ learning performance. There are many tips and strategies that help the teacher to manage and organize the classroom. Thanks for sharing a great post.


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