As a parent, you want your child to grow and develop in all areas. That’s why it’s important to provide them with plenty of opportunities to explore and learn new things. Here, we’ve put together a list of creative activities to promote their development:
Make a fort
One of the best ways to keep your child engaged and having fun is by building a fort. This can be done easily with pillows and blankets. If your child has a flashlight, shine it on the ceiling so that you have an even more interesting effect! You may also want to take advantage of this opportunity for some pillow fights if your kids are into that sort of thing. After all, what’s more fun than hitting each other over and over again?
To make sure everyone stays safe during these pillow fights, it’s important now would be a good time to play games like hide-and-seek or tag using only pillows as weapons (or maybe not).
Guitar Lessons
Kids guitar lessons are a great way to learn an instrument and can be beneficial for children of all ages. A guitar is also one of the most affordable instruments with which a child can start playing, so why not try it?
- Guitar lessons can help with memory and concentration, as well as hand-eye coordination.
- They can also help with social skills by allowing children to meet other kids who share their passion for music and/or playing guitar.
- Finally, playing guitar has been shown to improve mathematical skills such as counting beats and keeping time—which makes sense since it requires rhythm!
Create a treasure map
- Create a treasure map. You can easily create a treasure map of your neighborhood by drawing out the streets on paper and decorating it with pictures of landmarks that are in the area.
- Go exploring! Using your newly created map, take your child on an adventure to explore their neighborhood and find hidden treasures along the way. Exploring is one of the best ways to encourage children’s curiosity and creativity, so put away the video games for once (we’ll be honest here: we’re guilty too) and get outside for some real fun!
- Create a treasure hunt at home or in nature: Once you’ve explored your neighborhood together, use what you’ve learned from exploring other people’s homes to make up games inside or out by leaving items around that they need to find as part of a game/treasure hunt type activity. If playing outdoors isn’t possible due to weather conditions (rainy days), consider having another day where everyone stays inside but uses their imaginations while playing hide-and-seek or scavenger hunts.

Dance Classes
Dance classes like these children’s dance classes in Brisbane are a great way to get young children moving. As kids grow and develop, they need more opportunities to exercise their bodies. Dance classes offer a fun and engaging way for children to do this while also learning about different cultures, improving coordination and balance, and building self-confidence.
Dance classes can be found in most communities, but if you don’t know where to start looking or if you’d like some guidance on what type of class would be best for your child’s needs, check out the list below:
- Ballet – This type of dance helps young dancers master gracefulness with its slower movements and graceful poses.
- Tap – Tap dancing teaches students how to create rhythms by using their feet on hard surfaces (like wood floors). It’s great for teaching rhythm because it allows kids who may not think so quickly on their feet yet an easy way into developing those skills without having them worry about complex moves at first!
- Hip Hop/Jazz Funk – These types of dances are fun because they’re faster paced than ballet so encourage kids who might otherwise feel too shy or nervous about trying something new like this type of movement style.”
Play with play-doh
Play-doh is a great way to encourage creativity, imagination, and fine motor skills. If you are looking for a project that will keep your child busy while you finish up some work, consider letting them play with play-doh. Here are some ideas:
- Ask them to make letters of the alphabet and then read them out loud. This can also be done by asking them what shapes they see in their creation. For example, if they have made an alien head, ask about its eyes and nose or ears (which could be considered “shapes”).
- Have your child create different colored dinosaurs or cars from one color of play-doh (for example blue). Then have them compare both creations and see how many similarities they can find between each dinosaur or car (i.e., how many legs do they each have?).
Create your puppet theater
Here’s a great way for your child to perform in his or her puppet theater. You’ll need:
- Cardboard, paper, and glue (or other materials you have on hand) to make the theater.
- A flashlight to project the show onto a wall.
- Paper bag puppets.
- A lamp is a spotlight and an ordinary mirror for creating optical illusions of depth.
Horse Riding Lessons
If you’re looking for a unique activity that will help your child develop physically and mentally, beginner horse riding lessons are the perfect answer. The physical benefits of horseback riding include strengthening muscles, improving coordination and balance, and promoting a sense of accomplishment. But there are also mental benefits as well – learning how to communicate with an animal often leads to an increased ability to communicate with other people.
How you approach these activities is up to you! Whether it’s through volunteering at an animal shelter or taking weekly lessons at a local stable, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone – from those who want nothing more than some fun bonding time with their kids down to retirees looking for something new (and fun!) after retirement! If it seems overwhelming at first glance then remember this important rule: don’t worry about what others think because they’ll probably be too concerned about themselves anyway so just go ahead with whatever feels right!

Let your child fill the bathtub with bubbles
Bubbles are an inexpensive way to stimulate the senses and promote learning. They can be used to teach cause and effect, follow instructions, or share with another child.
Bubbles have many benefits for children as they grow up. By playing with bubbles you can:
- Encourage imagination and creativity through play (e.g., pretending that the bubble is a balloon)
- Teach language development by encouraging your child to describe what he sees (“What does this bubble look like?”) or count how many bubbles there are on the window (“There are three blue ones”).
- Stimulate sensory development (touching, seeing, hearing), promoting hand-eye coordination when blowing out bubbles from different tools such as straws or hoses
Blow giant bubbles
Children love bubbles, and they’re an excellent way to teach your kids about science. Bubbles are a great way to introduce the concept of physics, color mixing, and environmental education.
If you want to start blowing bubbles with your child, here are some tips:
- You can blow bubbles using a bubble wand or simply blow into the air around them so that they float in a circle above their head.
- Encourage your child to create different shapes and sizes by changing the angle at which he blows on his bubble wand (or making different noises).
- Once you’ve mastered this technique, try combining blowing two bubbles together (try out one color against another or mix colors from different wands). This teaches children about visual perception and how we perceive information based on what our eyes see rather than what our brains tell us we’re seeing—like when someone looks at their reflection in water but doesn’t realize what they see isn’t themselves!
Use sidewalk chalk to create hopscotch or a maze
To help get the kids outside, use sidewalk chalk to create hopscotch or a maze on the driveway or sidewalk. Make sure that the surface is dry and smooth, and have fun with them as they learn how to navigate their way through the space.
Have a tea party and use tea for different things like watering pretend plants or using it as a cure for imaginary ailments
- Have a tea party with friends.
- Use tea to cure imaginary ailments.
- Use tea to water pretend plants.
Tea parties are fun and relaxing, so do them often!
Try some of these activities, and their development will grow even more
- Try some of these activities, and their development will grow even more.
- Make sure the child is involved in the activity. It should be something that they can choose to do on their own or with you.
- The activity should be relevant to their interests, but not so much that it becomes a chore for them to complete. If you notice your child becoming bored or frustrated with an activity, try introducing something new into the mix as soon as possible.
- Encourage your child to try new things without giving up too quickly if they aren’t successful at first (or ever). This can help build confidence and independence!
We hope you enjoyed these activities and that you’ll try them with your children. It’s important to remember that development takes time and that your child will need plenty of encouragement along the way. A few minutes every day spent playing together can go a long way to help them learn new skills and grow into happy, healthy adults who will make good friends with others—and maybe even find their way back home!