How Accurate Are Fingerprint Recognition Technologies?



Performance and security offered by modern fingerprint systems highly depend on their ability to keep errors under control and their matching accuracy. If fingerprint recognition systems fail to maintain optimum error control and matching accuracy, they’ll become a problem instead of a solution.

Currently, fingerprint recognition systems enjoy a higher growth rate and widespread technology in all types of applications. Their ability to maintain a delicate balance between security and convenience is the main reason why their popularity is growing massively. However, several limitations, errors and issues are available for this technology to deal with.

This piece of content evaluates fingerprint recognition accuracy and how it’s evaluated. Let’s read on to find out more.

How Reliable is Fingerprinting as a Means of Recognition?

Fingerprint recognition technology offers high accuracy. However, this accuracy depends on several factors. The false positive probability is almost zero. But this likelihood could be eradicated completely with the help of live scanning. Live scanning technology offers multiple benefits, including efficiency and speed.

These solutions can capture and transmit fingerprints within seconds, providing more room for faster processing times and minimised wait time for outcomes. Accuracy is another major benefit that live scanning offers.

The digital scanning solutions capture high-resolution fingerprint images, which can be easily analysed with greater precision compared to their paper and ink counterparts. This results in minimal errors and higher fingerprint recognition accuracy levels.

Fingerprint Recognition

Live scan solutions eliminate the errors that used to occur in ink and paper fingerprint systems, including incomplete prints and smudging. Also, live scan technologies can capture finer fingerprint details, which can greatly increase levels of accuracy. Live scan is currently used in multiple applications, including:

  • Background checks
  • Law enforcement, and
  • Criminal identity management

Due to its ease of use, accuracy and efficiency, it has become a popular technique of recognition and identification.

How to Determine Accuracy of Fingerprint Recognition Technologies

NIST is the institution that determines fingerprint recognition accuracy. The National Institute of Standards and Technology conducts studies like company PFT III evaluation to evaluate the performance of different technologies such as fingerprint recognition systems.

The outcomes of these evaluations are usually impressive as they show the best-performing fingerprint recognition solutions, which are found to have higher levels of accuracy. Top-rated fingerprint recognition systems usually have an accuracy of over 99%.

This accuracy level is important since it indicates that digital fingerprint recognition solutions are capable of accurately and reliably identifying people with a higher degree of certainty.

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Cameron Wei
Researcher educator specializing in Ed Tech, educational innovations, computer-supported collaborative learning, and technology integration. Based in Singapore.


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