How To Cope With Stress In College [8 Ways]


College life is closely associated with stress caused by many things like assignments overload, part-time jobs, and loads of extracurricular activities. Check some tips on how a student can reduce stress.

Methods to Reduce Stress in College

The process of learning is long and full of various complications. Students have to complete multiple assignments, reach success, find time for private life, and so on. All these circumstances inevitably lead to great stress.

Young people are afraid of failure. Many of them have to leave their homes to study in colleges in other cities. It makes them anxious as well. Therefore, youngsters ought to learn how to keep stress at bay. Our informative guide can help them. It highlights effective methods that reduce stress when you study in college.

1. Be Always Positive

First of all, you should “turn on” a positive regime! No matter how many difficulties you face, positive thinking will help you to carry on. Never give up easily and the solution will come.

You can even repeat some mantra similar to ‘I can do it! Nothing can stop me!’ You should tell yourself that everything will be fine. You will successfully pass any exam and will write only perfect essays. Even if you have no physical possibility to handle a certain essay, use professional aid. Use custom writing services to get the necessary tips and tricks. A good essay example may be very helpful for every student.

It’s only one of the possible solutions. If you’re anxious, you begin to panic. It negatively affects your way of thinking and you may omit such easy solutions. Be Always POSITIVE!

2. Sleep Enough, Eat Healthily

Many students don’t realize that their sleep plays an important role in staying in a good mood. When you don’t sleep enough, you feel moody, are easily irritated and unhappy. The lack of sleep surpasses hormones that improve mood. As a result, we don’t feel happy when we don’t sleep well. The conclusion is obvious – sleep about 8-10 hours every day!

It’s also vital to watch what you eat. You should refuse any sort of junk food. Consume only healthy products that will normalize all the processes in your body and which will boost your mood. Plant-based extracts with high myrcene strains can also relieve stress and help you wind down.

You can also consider supplements. Morning Complete is a daily wellness drink intended to support digestive function and improve energy levels. Read the Activated You Reviews.

how to reduce stress in college

3. Listen to the Music

We guess you know about the curing effects of music therapy. It helps to:

  • Improve mood
  • Get rid of negative thoughts
  • Tune positive emotions
  • Improve memory
  • Clear your thinking
  • Maintain the power of concentration
  • Express your feelings clearer, etc.

The benefits are numerous and important. It’s also vital to listen to the right music. Although most people will tell you to choose classical music, you should listen to your favorite genre. Do it every day and your mood will be improved. No chance to stress!

Another easy way to decompress is by playing Online Games. Don’t be afraid to escape reality for a while and have fun!

4. Practise Relaxation

Many people underestimate the benefits of meditation, yoga, and similar techniques. Deep breathing is one of the most effective ways to manage stress. All you need is to take deep breaths for about 10 minutes a day. Yoga may require more time, but 30 minutes are worth a try. You will keep your spirits up, as well as will strengthen your body.

It’s only necessary to choose the most suitable kind of yoga. There are many of them and each has certain benefits. The common yoga types are:

  • Bikram
  • Hot
  • Power
  • Hatha
  • Yin
  • Ashtanga
  • Integral and others.

Read about each type to understand which one is suitable for you.

5. Be Physically Active

It’s vital to be physically engaged. Your mind will be sustained with endorphin, dopamine, and other hormones of happiness and improved mood. They are produced when we work out physically and enjoy it. We underline the importance of “enjoyment.” If you go in for sports you hate, it will bring only negative results. Therefore, try what you really like. It may be anything:

  • Running
  • Tennis
  • Basketball
  • Ice-hockey
  • Swimming
  • Jogging
  • Powerlifting, etc.

You aren’t obliged to work out too much. 30 to 90 minutes per day may be enough.

6. Get Organized

The way you organize your daily routine directly reflects on your mood. Oftentimes, students feel stressed when they run out of time. They have many things to deal with, and so discipline may help. Create a daily routine and take into account all your tasks and duties.

  • Set realistic deadlines
  • Define the most effective methods to reach your aims
  • Use the help to technology
  • Set short- and long-term aims, etc.

7. Use On-Campus Support

If you feel that stress overwhelms you, use professional psychological support. All colleges have special services and facilities that provide psychological support for their students. Don’t be shy or afraid to use them. Attend special classes or meetings. Certified experts will surely help to reduce and eliminate stress, anxiety, and other unwanted mental issues.

8. Share Your Problems with Others

Sometimes it’s useful to talk to someone and reveal what lies in your heart. It may be your best friend, the beloved one, your parents or even a psychologist. Some people simply need to vocalize their problems to feel the desired relief.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, college students can overcome stress in many ways. Some of them can reduce it and others eliminate it. If you combine them, you will quickly get rid of any unpleasant feelings.

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Cameron Wei
Researcher educator specializing in Ed Tech, educational innovations, computer-supported collaborative learning, and technology integration. Based in Singapore.


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