4 Ways to Make the Most of Choice Time

No matter what grade level you teach, giving students free choice in the classroom to work on whatever interests them can have huge benefits for teachers in multiple ways.

First, and maybe most importantly, it allows students to have fun in your subject matter. (That is the goal, isn’t it? To have students ENJOY learning?)

Secondly, it also allows for you, the teacher, to wander around the classroom while your class is buzzing and occupied and have some one on one time with students who might need your attention for any reason. 

However, choice time cannot be a free for all. If you aren’t careful about monitoring time and setting clear boundaries, you’re setting yourself up for chaos. Here are my four best practices for making the most of choice time:

1. Nix the technology

I know it’s tempting to allow choice time be the opportunity to play on a really great educational gaming app, but the reality is that students get plenty of screen time. Encourage students to use their free time to engage their brains in a different way. 

2. Have interesting “extras” at the ready for choice time

For language arts, you can have a stack of poetry books on your bookshelf, or maybe some short stories you love but never seem to have time for. These should be easily accessible so choice time can be used effectively. 

3. Set some guiding questions or create a goal for choice time

You want students to be empowered to make their own choice, but you, the facilitator, may need to give them some direction. Maybe a prompt such as, “Use today’s choice time to read a story or poem by a person who lives in a different country.” 

Two young girls doing a craft project on choice time.
Making the most out of choice time.

4. Make it worth their while

You don’t want to associate a grade with choice time activities, but you do want some way to let your students know that the time needs to be used wisely. You could display their work, ask them to turn to their neighbor and tell them about the activity they chose for themselves. Or even take note of what your students are excited about and have that be the framework for your next formal assessment. 

Choice time shouldn’t be something that ends in kindergarten, and it certainly shouldn’t be something that is only a part of your teaching practice once or twice a month. Incorporate it in your classroom regularly so students know that they are indeed empowered to take charge of their joy of learning!

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Roseanne Cheng
Roseanne Cheng is a former high school English teacher and author of two young adult books, The Take Back of Lincoln Junior High and Edge the Bare Garden, which won the gold medal for young adult fiction at the Writer’s Digest Self Published Book Awards and the Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards. She’s also the author of several non-fiction books, The Tireless Teacher Toolkit and Buzz: The Ultimate Guide to Book Marketing, which she co-wrote with Dara Beevas from Wise Ink Publishing.When she’s not reading a book or practicing yoga, you can probably find her hanging out with her hilarious husband of ten years and their two ridiculously awesome kids.


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