MOOC, Learners Community, Technology and Collaboration


I moved back to Finland less than two years ago to continue with my studies. Master’s studies and thesis are now accomplished – Phew! Whilst studying I was trying hard to figure out how to put together the iron, technology and the pedagogy that goes with it.

First time I heard about MOOC was couple of years ago and my interest towards them and what they can offer has grown since.

I really liked the idea of creating content in a MOOC, massive open online course. Since I’m passionate about education and technology, I figured that I can combine those two in an attempt to create a global online course.

These are the questions I’ve been asking myself in the process of developing the course:

  1. Why would you like to study and take part in a massive open online course?
  2. What would you benefit from learning with learners coming from different parts of the world?
  3. Do you think you could share your ideas and thoughts about education and generate great discussions and healthy debates?

To me learning and MOOC at its best mean global learners community and it improves when more learners join in and start working together, take responsibility of their own learning process and their online learning environment and community.

We can learn when, what and where we want and have the best teachers on our fingertips! You just need your laptop, internet connection and a creative mind and learning environment to get inspired.

So, what is the content of my MOOC?

Innovative Pedagogy and EdTech in Finland.

Finland is facing changes in the new national curriculum and the integration of technology into schools is a big challenge. For the successful digitalisation, innovative pedagogy is needed to go hand in hand with the technology. And more importantly, technology is a tool and learning, teaching and human interaction should always be the number Ones!

MOOC, learners community and collaboration
MOOC, learners community and collaboration

Technology can be a great tool in education. However, new teaching methods need to go hand in hand with technology to make the most of it.

I like books, pens and chalkboard too, but technology is already a big part of our living environment and even more so in the future. Children need to learn to understand technology and to use it well. IT skills are essential more and more at work and life itself. How can we support this best at schools?

I want to start a conversation with the MOOC content, which is provided by the Finnish teachers and educational technology developers. From one teacher to another, sharing good practices, do’s & dont’s, collaboration and brave practical experiments in schools and classrooms.

Honest conversation and further development of teaching methods, the creative use of technology to support teaching and learning. That’s what I’m aiming to achieve with the Massive Open Online Course.

And since technology is only one tool amongst other educational tools, I want to embrace all types of innovative ways to teach. Pedagogy is the King and the Queen!

So far, so good and I’ve met some amazing people on the process. I’ve learned a lot but I still have a lot to learn and do.

Thankfully, there are many people willing to help and give me a positive push to go further. You can help in the process too by sharing your thoughts, ideas and perhaps even wishes for the learning material in the MOOC. Content creation is more fun and improves when people contribute and collaborate. I hope you can join in the conversation already now!

Sunny greetings from Finland!

Useful Resources

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Pirjo Suhonen
Teaching and technology, travel and nature, and outdoor activities are my passion. I am a strong supporter of life-long learning and I am fascinated about what future will bring us. I have been teaching in Finland and abroad and I moved back to Finland less than two years ago. I have been living and working in England, France and Belgium and it can be expensive to study in those countries. Education in Finland is free and I was probably annoyingly happy to do my Master’s thesis on Educational Technology. My head is full of fresh and innovative ideas on how to use technology to support collaboration and learning. Therefore I decided to begin my MOOC journey and enjoy the ride! Please join me in the process and help me create meaningful content!


  1. Thanks a Million! It looks great! I hope others will find it interesting too! Sunny greetings from Finland, Pirjo 🙂


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