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5 Key Elements to Help You Revise for Your Physics Exams

What's scarier? A crocodile or a physics exam? Physics exams! With your physics exams approaching soon, if you’re a student in Singapore, you must be already searching on Google for ‘popular physics tuition center in Singapore,’ but guess what? Wasting your time on the internet won't be necessary! We have more accessible solutions to help you prep up!Struggling to...

Online Activities To Amp Your Flipped Classroom

In a flipped classroom students engage with lectures or other materials outside of class to prepare for an active learning experience in the classroom. With online teaching, preparing and delivering online activities and assessment becomes a challenge.How will my students prepare for the online activities?Typically students will do either some form of reading assignment or watch a video or...

The Best Tips And Tricks For Teaching With Zoom

With so many teachers now using Zoom as their platform of choice for their online lessons, we thought some tips and tricks would come in handy. According to experts at cheapwritingservice.com, most teachers feel quite frustrated at the beginning as they try to navigate the complex world of online learning and Zoom teaching. So, we gathered the most practical...

Choosing A College: 4 Important Things To Consider

Choosing a college to attend can be a bit of a minefield. There are so many factors to consider, and so many colleges to choose from, you might feel completely overwhelmed and not know which way to turn.Putting pen to paper could help clear your mind, so make a list of important and relevant factors in choosing a...

Learning Styles: The Truth Behind The Myth

What are Learning Styles?The term learning styles is widely used to describe how learners gather, sift through, interpret, organize, come to conclusions about, and “store” information for further use. As spelled out in VARK (one of the most popular learning styles theories), these styles are often categorized by sensory approaches: visual, aural, verbal , and kinesthetic. There are well over 70 different learning styles schemes, most...

5 Proven IELTS Writing Tips

When I get questions from some students, I often receive questions about tips and tricks regarding writing for IELTS. It may seem somewhat disappointing for some of my students, but the best tips for learning HOW to write for IELTS, whether this is Academic or General, is to understand the band scores that the examiner will be comparing your...

How to Easily Teach Sight Words in Primary School

Sight words have two definitions. One is common terms which are constantly seen when reading a language. For English, these include “a, you, the, was, little” and many more.Another definition is commonly used words that cannot be sounded out by simply looking at them. Understanding sight words in both contexts is critical to the understanding of a language...

8 Awesome Tutor Apps You Should Know

woman using tutor apps on tablet
It can be hard to know how to bring your tutoring skills more up to date and stay on top of relevancy. Sure, the schoolwork of kids today hasn’t changed much, but in 2019 the way kids are motivated certainly has. It may seem strange to turn to apps to help you tutor more effectively, but there are some...

4 Ways to Make the Most of Choice Time

Choice time: two young girls doing arts and crafts
No matter what grade level you teach, giving students free choice in the classroom to work on whatever interests them can have huge benefits for teachers in multiple ways.First, and maybe most importantly, it allows students to have fun in your subject matter. (That is the goal, isn’t it? To have students ENJOY learning?)Secondly, it also allows...

Express DigiBooks Library [How to Get Started Easily]

DigiBooks screenshot
If you are an English teacher, you will probably have heard or used the Express DigiBooks Library, or DigiBooks for short. DigiBooks was created by Express Publishing, one of the leading publishers in English Language Teaching, to host their portfolio of more than 3,500 titles. Read on to find out what it is and how you can get started in...
Bright Classroom Ideas