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Genius Hour in Your Classroom

What if you could learn about anything you wanted to? What are you interested in? What are you passionate about? What do you want to tell the world? How are you going to change the world? There are only three guidelines:Research something.Create something.Share it.Welcome to Genius Hour!This is how educators around the globe have introduced Genius Hour to their...

40 Kindness Activities & Empathy Worksheets for Students and Adults

empathy - women's hand form a cirlce in the sand
What do you think are the most important traits to encourage in a child’s development?This is an inherently personal question, one that will provoke a wide variety of answers from parents, educators, and researchers around the world.There are so many traits and abilities that can add to a child’s likelihood of success that it’s hard to pick just a...

Putting the “T” in STEM! 60+ Resources for Teaching with Technology!

children using laptop computer enthusiastically
“Yes, kids love technology, but they also love Legos, scented markers, handstands, books, and mud puddles. It’s all about balance.” by K.G., 1st Grade TeacherOne of the best things about teaching very young learners is that they are super excited to learn! They also love technology, but we must ensure that children learn early on balance and digital safety....

The Best Teaching Resources [Updated List]

best teaching resources list
You will probably find the teaching resources we have compiled and continue to update on a daily basis. Browse through the category descriptions and click on the individual items to check them out in detail:Classroom Response SystemsCollect real-time formative assessment data without the need for student devices. Know whether your students are understanding big concepts and mastering key skills. Facilitate the...

What Are The Best Educational Technology Tools?

educational technology - teacher pointing at screen with two asian girls
Students today are much more technologically savvy than previous generations. Whatever age they are, once they step into the classroom, they will probably be internet literate and technologically knowledgeable, at least to some extent.Presenting technology to students gives the teacher more ways to connect with them, and this is one of the most important parts of a rewarding...

How Can Schools Embrace Dyslexia? [An Interview with Kelly Steinke]

Dyslexia - Letters of the alphabet.
Dyslexia expert Kelly Steinke, founder of READ Learning Educational Services, talks about raising dyslexia awareness in schools and why it matters.Recently, instead of dyslexia there is much talk about a broader term, ‘neurodiversity’. What is neurodiversity?The term ‘neurodiversity’ is generally used in context of spectrum disorders like autism or mental health issues such as ADHD. Neurodiversity means that people don’t come with ‘one-size-fits-all’...

5 Rare Truths Every Parent Should Know About Kindergarten Teachers

kindergarten teachers
If you're a child going to kindergarten for the first time, you probably know that the beginning of the school year is anything but sweet. It’s not uncommon for kindergarten teachers to share their experiences of nervous and excited parents walking through the door.For the kids, it’s the start of the new adventure of formal learning. Everyone involved...

Addicted: How the Internet Poisons Student Behaviour

I can still see him clearly in my mind. He would come into math class looking like a zombie. His ability to produce any kind of results were practically nil. I eventually found out that he was trading precious hours of sleep to be on social media and Skype. His addicted routine saw him using the internet until 4...

The Top 50 Teacher Websites of 2018

As usual this time of year, we compile and publish the list of the Top 50 Teacher Websites of the year. We comb the web and out of the numerous websites worldwide focusing on education policies, teaching practices, methodology, or educational technology, we find the ones that manage to stand out from the rest, the ones with the biggest...

How Community Service Helps Boost Student Success

student success
School is about more than assignments and grades. One of the biggest pillars of student success and education is about learning how to function in a community. Investing in and helping out that community can set them up for success beyond the classroom, too.There are countless reasons why community service is important for student success. These are just a...
Bright Classroom Ideas