Putting the “T” in STEM! 60+ Resources for Teaching with Technology!

“Yes, kids love technology, but they also love Legos, scented markers, handstands, books, and mud puddles. It’s all about balance.” by K.G., 1st Grade Teacher

One of the best things about teaching very young learners is that they are super excited to learn! They also love technology, but we must ensure that children learn early on balance and digital safety. When a child begins to use technology, especially technology connected to the Internet, they must also learn how to protect themselves and learn wellness.

For the past 20 years, I have been teaching with technology, with children all over the world! Currently, I am the Computer and Technology Teacher for over 450 elementary students at a STEM Charter School. I also have an energetic and enthusiastic 2 year-old daughter who loves technology, but enjoys playing and exploring more.

Below I am sharing my tips and resources that I feel are especially enjoyable and safe for young learners (toddlers to 6th grade). For a quick view of my top tips, download my slide presentation free, Teaching the “T” in STEM! Using Technology with Young Learners. All resources mentioned have a free version or trial for educators and many are registration and ad free so that students don’t have to give their private information.

Remember to ask parent permission and have a Digital Use Policy signed by parents and students when integrating technology.

Top Tools and Apps for Teaching with Technology

  • Buncee to create digital stories, digital posters, and more! COPPA Compliant! Students enter codes given by the teacher. Find over 20 activities and examples here.
  • My Story Book is an easy to use web tool for students to create digital story books,  no registration required and ad free.
  • Make Beliefs Comix is a website and app to create comics, no registration required.
  • TinyTap is a wonderful iOS app for even preschool children to create their own games and quizzes. You can click the website to play vocabulary games designed by others.
  • ABCYA animator to create a movie or gif, no registration required.
  • Sketch.io is to create a digital poster with gifs and paint tools, no registration required.
  • Voki is a website for creating talking avatars. The free version only provides limited options.
  • Bubbl.us is a website for creating colorful concept maps, no registration required.
  • Class Dojo and Seesaw are my favorite web tools and apps for communicating with parents and creating student digital portfolios.
  • Read, Write, Think has several interactives for children of various ages to learn to read and write.
  • Brain Pop has awesome videos, learning games, and other resources.
  • National Geographic for Kids is a great website to research countries and animals.
  • Edublogs is a safe way for students to create blogs.
Teaching with technology - children using laptop computer enthusiastically
Teaching with technology is fun!

STEAM Tools and Apps for Teaching with Technology

  • Find typing tips for children in this post I wrote for ESL Library which includes awesome websites, such as TypetasticDance Mat Typing, Typing Town.
  • Teaching coding? 1st to 5th graders at my school enjoy KodableTynker, and Lightbot. Upper elementary and older enjoy Code.org and Made With Code. Find more coding apps and web tools for any age group here!
  • 3D printing with elementary students? TinkerCad has 5 minute super easy tutorials and designs children can easily edit to design rings, figurines, name tags, and more!
  • Conduct safe web searches with DucksterKiddleFact Monster, and KidzSearch.
  • Art For Kids Hub is a website where students learn art and how to draw from listening to instructions from a video. My students love the videos. I love that the artist reinforces literacy and math. His instructions include steps like draw an oval or a backwards letter U.
  • Quiver Vision combines coloring and augmented reality. I use this for children to see vocabulary come to life.

Literacy Websites

Slide Presentations

Other Posts and Resources for Teaching with Technology

  • Engaging Parents with Technology
  • Survival Tips for Teaching Kids English: 30 Tips & Resources
  • Several Young Learners Posts from Various Teachers!
  • Let’s Play! 20+ Sites for YLs
  • Engaging Learners through Digital Storytelling: 40+ Resources & Tips
  • 20+ Fun Free Apps that Promote Student Centered Learning & Literacy
  • 30+ Apps for Creativity & Learning
  • Mobile Motivation: 17 Digital Storytelling & Literacy Apps/Resources for Kids
  • Getting Children Involved with Edtech

Challenge: Try any of these resources to engage your young learners with technology!

This post was originally published on Teacher Reboot Camp by Shelly Terrell.

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Shelly Terrell
Shelly Sanchez Terrell (@ShellTerrell) is an award winning digital innovator, an international speaker/consultant, and the author of Hacking Digital Learning with EdTech Missions, The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers, and Learning to Go. She has trained teachers and taught English language learners in over 20 countries as an invited guest expert by organizations, like the US Embassy, UNESCO Bangkok, Cultura Inglesa of Brazil, the British Council in Tel Aviv, IATEFL Slovenia, HUPE Croatia, ISTEK Turkey, and Venezuela TESOL. She has been recognized by several organizations and publications as a leader in the movement of teacher driven professional development as the founder and organizer of various online conferences, Twitter chats, and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Two of the projects she co-organized were shortlisted for ELTons, #ELTChat and the Virtual Round Table Language and Technology online conference. She was named Woman of the Year by the National Association of Professional Women, awarded a Bammy Award as a founder of #Edchat, and named as one of the 10 Most Influential People in EdTech by Tech & Learning. Her greatest joy is being the mother of baby Savannah and Rosco the pug. Shelly has an Honors BA in English with a Minor in Communication and a specialization in Electronic Media from UTSA, a Masters in Curriculum Instruction ESL from the University of Phoenix, and a CELTA from CELT Athens. She regularly shares her tips for effective technology integration via Twitter (@ShellTerrell), Facebook.com/ShellyTerrell, and on her blog, TeacherRebootCamp.com, which has won several awards and recognitions as one of the top ESL, Edtech and Elearning blogs. Find over 400 of her slide presentations at https://www.slideshare.net/ShellTerrell/presentations.


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