Top Tech Trends Reshaping Education In 2021


In 2021, new technologies have played an essential role in helping companies stay alive. For example, without websites, most companies in the retail industry couldn’t offer their products. In the education industry, likewise, without new technologies, companies couldn’t offer their services.

Since Covid-19 accelerated the digital transition, remote work and remote learning have become the new standard. But, many other tech trends are changing education in 2021. If you want to know how new tech inventions are reshaping how we learn, you should read this article. 

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality and augmented reality have reimagined the way we learn. Immersive learning is now a real thing and many companies are using it to improve their employee training strategies. VR allows workers to immerse themselves in a safe digital environment. Consequently, they can develop their soft and hard skills safely. 

Imagine that you need to learn how to repair a complex machine such as a mechanical arm. Using VR training solutions, you can implement different maintenance techniques to see which one is more effective and efficient. Also, even if you make a mistake, you always have another chance to fix it. By contrast, making a mistake in real life may have a negative impact on the company’s budget.

Augmented reality is an excellent tool to get a better understanding of complex structures. For that reason, it has been widely used in fields like paleontology, chemistry, and science. In other words, if you want to know how a triceratops looks like, you only need your smartphone’s camera and an AR triceratops flashcard. The same applies if you want to know what an atom looks like. 

Tech trends reshaping education
Tech Trends Reshaping Education

Video-assisted Learning

Video-assisted learning is becoming more popular every day. In 2021, several schools are offering video-assisted programs because they enable students to learn at their own pace. As a result, busy individuals can create their own schedules and find the best time to learn.

Also, companies like Youtube have taken advantage of this tech trend to make the learning process much more enjoyable. For example, when children watch Youtube Kids videos, they can learn while playing. They will have much more fun and will learn faster.

AI-powered Learning

Artificial intelligence has transformed every sector across the world. One of its main applications is automation. However, there are many other different applications, such as adaptive learning. Adaptive learning offers more personalized education for those students who may have learning difficulties.

Nowadays, companies are looking for tech professionals with software engineering and data science skills. This is because data scientists can create machine learning solutions to help education companies identify what a student needs. Thus, companies can offer more sophisticated courses to meet students’ demands.

Additionally, some schools have been using AI to power their online platforms. This is because AI can make the job of teachers much more comfortable by automating repetitive tasks like grading tests or recording students’ attendance. In the next decade, schools and universities will continue to invest more money in AI solutions. Therefore, if you want to have better job opportunities, you should consider becoming a software engineer.

Software engineers are in high demand these days. According to Glassdoor, the typical salary of a software engineer is $92,000 per year in the US. Also, world-class companies like Netflix are providing skilled employees with amazing perks like tuition reimbursement benefits, paid parental leave, and free lunch. To know more about the job role, you can go to Computer Science Hero. Here, you can learn more about what software engineers do, what skills you need to learn, and how you can start your learning process. 

Remote Education

Because of Covid-19, remote education gained more ground in 2021. This tech trend is now the new standard and has enabled education companies to not just survive but thrive during the coronavirus pandemic. Remote learning provides students as well as teachers with schedule flexibility. Hence, they can have a better work-life balance and improve their wellbeing. Communication is a great part of remote education or remote job and asynchronous communication is a great way to connect.

At the same time, remote education is making teachers’ jobs paperless. Since everything is stored in the cloud, there’s no lost work and students only need to check the cloud to find relevant material. Also, companies like Google have developed an online classroom platform to help companies with their administrative tasks. 

New Tech Trends – Conclusion

While more companies are adopting remote education as a new teaching method, the need for tech professionals will increase in the next decade. Digital technologies have made education more interesting, immersive, and practical. Hence, traditional education may disappear in the next decade. If you want to remain competitive, you must follow these tech trends and consider learning in-demand technical skills. After all, the future of work and education is digital. 

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Cameron Wei
Researcher educator specializing in Ed Tech, educational innovations, computer-supported collaborative learning, and technology integration. Based in Singapore.


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