The Top 50 Edublogs of 2017


Following up on the list we compiled a year ago with the The Top 20 Edublogs of 2015, we have expanded the list to include the top 50 education websites.

Out of the numerous websites worldwide focusing on education policies, teaching practices, methodology, or educational technology, some manage to stand out from the rest, garnering a hefty social following in the process.

So, did your favourite education website make the cut?

Before we begin, a few words on the process:

What was measured

  • We measured following across the six major social networks, namely Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram.
  • Only English speaking websites were included.
  • We included all kinds of education websites: from ones focusing on Pre-K all the way up to Higher Ed, and all subjects in between.

What was not included

  • We had to leave LinkedIn out because most website owners have personal LinkedIn accounts, counting Connections and not Followers.
  • Education websites by separate entities and institutions, like Washington Post’s excellent ‘Answer Sheet’, were also left out because they do not have their own distinctive following.

What could not be measured

  • Content, both in terms of quantity (number of posts) and quality.
  • Reach, as in number of retweets, likes, pins, views and so on.
  • Other popularity metrics, like awards and distinctions or mentions on other websites.
The Top 50 Edublogs of 2017.
The Top 50 Edublogs of 2017.

So without further ado, here is the list of the 50 top performers:

The Top 50 Edublogs of 2017

  1. EdSurge
  2. Edutopia
  3. We Are Teachers
  4. Mindshift
  5. Chegg
  6. Free Technology for Teachers
  7. eLearning Industry
  8. Organized Classroom
  9. TeachThought
  10. Edudemic
  11. Inside Higher Ed
  12. Teaching Channel
  13. Teacher Toolkit
  14. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning
  15. Cool Cat Teacher
  16. Cult of Pedagogy
  17. Mr. P’s ICT Blog
  18. The Edublogger
  19. Math Coach’s Corner
  20. Will Richardson
  21. Kathy Schrock’s Guide to Everything
  22. United Federation of Teachers
  23. Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day
  24. Getting Smart
  25. The Innovative Educator
  26. The Thesis Whisperer
  27. EdReform
  28. SmartBrief
  29. Dangerously Irrelevant
  30. ICT Evangelist
  31. Teacherhead
  32. Teaching Blog Addict
  33. The Learning Spy
  34. The Hechinger Report
  35. Teachercast
  36. The Edvocate
  37. Rafranz Davis
  38. The Thinking Stick
  39. iLearn Technology
  40. Eduwonk
  41. The Rapid E-Learning Blog
  42. Mike Smith’s Principal’s Page
  43. Emerging Ed Tech
  44. Parents’ Countdown to College Coach
  45. Magical Maths
  46. The Whiteboard Blog
  47. November Learning
  48. Resourceaholic
  49. Busy Teacher
  50. Middleweb

Below you can see a detailed chart with influence per social platform.

The 50 Most Influential Education Websites of 2017
The Top 50 Edublogs of 2017

If you think there is any other website that should have been on this list, feel free to mention it in the comments below.

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Stephen Marr
Education born and bred. I have worked as a teacher for many private language schools, as a test centre administrator, as a teacher trainer, as an educational consultant, and as a publisher. I am an advocate for literacy and a huge proponent of using technology in the classroom. I mostly write about English Language Teaching. I live in Oxford.


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