Choosing A College: 4 Important Things To Consider

Choosing a college to attend can be a bit of a minefield. There are so many factors to consider, and so many colleges to choose from, you might feel completely overwhelmed and not know which way to turn.

Putting pen to paper could help clear your mind, so make a list of important and relevant factors in choosing a college, and it might make the task easier.

Here are four important things to consider when choosing a college.

What will you study?

The whole point of furthering your education is so you can end up with a career at the end of it. Whilst you might not know exactly what you want to do, you should have a rough idea of the field you are interested in. You may, for example, know that you want to pursue a career in education, but have no idea in which field. Perhaps you want to teach or go down a completely different path and become an educational psychologist. As time goes on and as your studies progress, it will become clearer.

Narrow it down as far as possible and then establish which colleges or universities are the best choice for your chosen subject. 

College admission specialists

If you (or your parents) are finding the whole thing overwhelming, using the services of a college admissions specialist such as Going Ivy is something you should consider. Not only will they make a point of getting to know about you, your skills, and your future goals, but will give guidance and assistance throughout the whole college application process.

If you dream of going to an Ivy League school such as Dartmouth or Cornell, for example, their first-hand knowledge and expertise can help to make your dream a reality.

students choosing a college

Choosing a College: Location

Location has to be a factor when your decision is being made. If you aren’t looking to board near your college and would rather commute, then your search radius will be substantially narrowed.

Do you want to get your own place but live within driving distance of your parents? Do you want to get a rental property and study in a bustling city or would you prefer a more rural location? Once you have an idea of how far you are willing to travel and where you want to live, it will make your decision a lot easier.

While many international students prefer colleges and universities in the US and UK, this trend is slowly changing. Countries like UAE are emerging as a hotbed for students from China, Japan and India. One of the primary reasons is that UAE offers a strategic location advantage. The country is also very safe and has excellent campus placement opportunities for fresh graduates as it is world’s leading economic centres. Location means looking at connectivity options, as well as checking out the employability factor. If you are interested in pursuing your college and university education in Dubai, read more.


You may have the right grades and know which college you want to attend, but if it isn’t affordable, it’s pointless even considering it. Speak to your parents and establish what is realistic in terms of budget and find out whether any grants are available.

Other costs such as accommodation and living expenses also have to be taken into account. You may realize that you have no choice but to attend college somewhere close to home because monthly rental costs are not affordable.

There is little point in attending the college of your dreams if it could financially cripple you or your family for years. Take your time and weigh up all the pros and cons before making your decision.

Practical advice on choosing a college by Shane Hummus.

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Kate Staples
Kate Staples is a career coach from Canada. She specializes in personal development, leadership, and mentoring students, recent graduates, and career changers to create a new career path and define their work skills, values and preferences. She is a blogger, speaker, and long-distance runner.


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