If you’re a parent or teacher, it’s easy to feel powerless in the face of bullying. But there are things you can do to help a child who is being bullied or abused.
Don’t make the problem about you
The first thing parents need to know is that it’s not about them, and it’s not about their child. It’s also not about the bully or abuser, nor is it about the other child or their parents. It’s important to keep these thoughts out of your head so that you can be an effective advocate for your child who has been bullied or abused.
Remind them that it’s not their fault
The most important thing that you can do is remind them that it’s not their fault. This can be hard to accept when a child has been abused or bullied because they may feel like they did something wrong and now have to deal with the consequences. It’s important not to blame the victim; this will only make them feel worse about themselves and their situation.
If you’re concerned about what happened, don’t ask questions that might make the victim feel worse (for example: “Did he/she touch you?”). Also, avoid making assumptions about what happened; instead, ask open-ended questions (“What happened?”) so that they know they have control over how much information they share with you. Finally, try not to say things like “it’s time to move on” or “you’ll be fine.” These types of comments are best left unsaid when someone is dealing with trauma—they may feel guilty for taking up so much of your time if their problems seem small compared with yours!
Listen to what they have to say
The first thing you can do is listen. Don’t interrupt or try to fix the problem, but let them know that you are there for them and will do anything in your power to help them. Ask questions about what happened, who was involved, and how it made the child feel. Understand their perspective on the problem so that you can better understand their feelings of hurt and anger.
Get help from child psychologists
If you suspect that your child is being abused or bullied, it’s important to get help from a professional like this child psychologist Adelaide Hills. If possible, try to find someone who has been through the same thing and can give you advice based on their experience; this will help build up your child’s confidence. You may also want to bring your child in for some counseling with their school counselor or a psychologist.
If you are concerned about what’s happening at home and don’t know where else to turn, there are other resources available as well:
- The police – Child Protective Services (CPS) departments have trained workers on staff who specialize in investigating reports of abuse against children. They can help assess whether any further action needs to be taken regarding an incident or suspected incident of abuse/child sexual exploitation by speaking with the parties involved (including your loved one) and reviewing documentation such as medical records or work schedules if applicable.[1] In addition, CPS workers can guide how best to serve the needs of families while maintaining safety measures such as removing weapons from homes (if necessary).
- Adult survivor support groups – Support groups like those offered by Darkness To Light[2] provide safe spaces where adults who were once victimized by someone close may share their stories without fear of judgmental responses from others around them.”

Get legal advice
Once you have a plan in place, you need to consider whether or not it’s a good idea to take further action. The first step is to get legal advice before taking any action. You wouldn’t want to break the law accidentally, so make sure that what you’re doing isn’t against the law and doesn’t violate any policies set forth by your school or municipality. You may need legal advice from a lawyer like this children’s criminal lawyer if:
- You’re a parent whose child has been bullied
- You’re a teacher who suspects abuse among students
- You’re an administrator at an educational institution
Give reassurance
- Give reassurance. Children who are bullied or abused often feel a lack of control over their lives, and they may begin to believe that they did something to deserve the abuse. Your child might also start to blame themselves for the abuse. These feelings can be very upsetting.
- Reassure your child that it’s not their fault; tell them that no one deserves to be hurt, and no one is responsible for another person’s actions.
- Tell your child that you are there for them if the situation continues or grows worse in any way—whether it’s more physical violence or more yelling and name-calling in public places (as happened with me).
- Let your child know that you won’t let anyone hurt him/her again—and mean it! If necessary, get involved with school officials so they understand the seriousness of this problem; otherwise, they may not take action until too late!
Offer suggestions for solutions
You can help your friend or family member create a plan to deal with the bully, but make sure that it is realistic and achievable. For example, don’t suggest that they run away from home or commit suicide. Offer suggestions for possible solutions. A good way to do this is to ask your child what he or she thinks would work best:
- “What could you do?”
- “How can you stop him from bullying you?”
Create a safe classroom environment
You can help a child who gets abused or bullied by creating a safe classroom environment like this preschool education Richmond. Start by ensuring that your classroom is free from bullying and abuse.
- Create a safe place for the victim to go when they are being bullied. This may be as simple as providing a couch or chair in the corner of your room where they can sit when things get too much for them, or it could involve getting them some special equipment that will help them feel comfortable and calm in their space at school.
- Always have an open door policy for parents and other adults who work with children, such as teachers’ aides and tutors. If you know someone has been abusing another student but aren’t sure whether or not this qualifies as “abuse” under state laws (or if you’re unsure about what constitutes bullying), talk with an attorney before contacting any authorities yourself—you don’t want to make any false accusations!
- Ensure that all students have access to mental health services on campus so that no one feels alone during difficult times like these.”
If you are in a position of authority, take action immediately
- If you are in a position of authority, take action immediately.
- Know the signs of bullying and abuse—and don’t ignore them.
- Don’t make it worse or be afraid to get help: Most schools have an anti-bullying and abuse policy, so if there’s any doubt at all, get advice from teachers or other staff members who can advise on what to do next.
Be willing to listen and make sure that you remain calm and tell the victim that it is not their fault what happened
Be willing to listen and make sure that you remain calm and tell the victim that it is not their fault what happened.
- Don’t make the problem about you. Instead of telling your child what they did wrong and how they should have acted to prevent the bullying, try asking them questions such as “What was happening? How did it feel?” This is a way of validating their feelings while also letting them know that they are not alone.
- Don’t blame the victim. If a child has been bullied or abused by another student or adult, do not ask why they allowed themselves to be victimized. Instead, ask questions like “How are things going at school?” or “Is there anything I can do for you?” This will encourage them to open up about what’s bothering them without making them feel guilty for being targeted by bullies in the first place!
If you are a parent, teacher, or caregiver and you suspect that your child has been abused or bullied, you must help them from the start. The first step would be to listen to their story and reassure them that it’s not their fault. It’s also essential that you get help from a professional who can offer advice about how best to deal with this problem so as not to get worse over time.