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The Best Teacher Planners

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This site contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. See full disclaimer here.When our daily lives get overly busy and borderline to chaos, it can be easy to become disorganised and or feel overwhelmed. The result is usually a drop in productivity and a feeling of always missing out.Keeping a...

How to Introduce Coding to Elementary School Students

Coding for kids has grown in popularity, with more parents and educators understanding the importance of this skill in the current digital age. However, teaching programming to kids is quite challenging, just like teaching an entirely new language. Therefore, teachers and moderators should find ways to make the learning process fun and engaging. Otherwise, with the steep learning curve,...

5 Learning Barriers and How to Overcome Them

overcoming learning barriers
The term learning barrier refers to anything that stands in the way of you being able to learn effectively. A person may experience one or more learning barriers throughout their education and lifetime even. For instance, let's make a supposition. Consider if you are a mathematics student and learning to resolve complex calculus queries but feeling it quite complicated...

How To Set Limits To Students’ Screen Time

limiting screen time with your students
There is an ongoing debate regarding screen time and how much is too much for students. Whilst screen usage is essential for some learning, overuse of screens by students can potentially lead to reduced concentration, exposure to inappropriate content, and lack of physical exercise. Over time, screen addiction may even result in poor sleep quality and psychological problems. So how...

7 Educational Technology Concepts You Should Know

educational technology concepts in the classroom
Education technology is evolving a mile at a time. There are no more excuses for teachers to wait for the next best chance, devices to be granted to school, students to be more ready. It is here and now that every teacher has to be tech-educated and implement modern solutions in every class with no delay. Here are some...

EdTech Tools For Savvy Middle School Educators

teacher using edtech tools
As a teacher who enjoys technology in my own classroom, I have found there are so many wonderful EdTech tools and resources out there during this school year of transitioning between in-person and virtual learning. Some of my favorites include Flipgrid, Quizziz, Gimkit, Kahoot, Screencastify, Quizlet Live, Pear Deck, and Slides Mania for my slide templates.These EdTech tools...

How To Inspire Your Students To Write Killer Essays

Motivational questions are among the most relevant for modern teachers. It is not hard for some teachers to motivate their students and engage them in their reading, laboratory works, practice, and research. However, almost all of you would agree that essay writing is among the most challenging areas of study for motivation.There are no universal hacks, but you...

The Future of Education [In The Post-Covid Era]

The future of education
The education industry has been strongly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Students and teachers alike were suddenly shoved out of their schools and expected to adapt to remote learning with almost no warning. Considering this, it’s clear that the education industry has changed, but the question is whether or not these changes will be permanent, and what will be...

As Long As They Are Reading

child reading
I am coming up on the end of my third year as a librarian and ending my eighth year in education. While I have nowhere near the years’ experience as many of my fellow educators (or the teachers and librarians I worship on social media), I have noticed one glaring thing that stands out: there is still not a...

Top Tech Trends Reshaping Education In 2021

tech trends
In 2021, new technologies have played an essential role in helping companies stay alive. For example, without websites, most companies in the retail industry couldn’t offer their products. In the education industry, likewise, without new technologies, companies couldn’t offer their services.Since Covid-19 accelerated the digital transition, remote work and remote learning have become the new standard. But, many other...
Bright Classroom Ideas