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Educational Goals: How to Catapult Learner Autonomy

educational goals
They arrive, all shiny-eyed and excited, pens and pencils in hand, willing and eager to dive into a new learning adventure.Then, a few weeks or months go by, and the shine wears off. Suddenly you don’t seem so exciting to them anymore, and lessons have become just another routine.What happened? Well, there could be several variables at play here,...

Fighting Poverty Through Education [The No Barriers Foundation]

Fighting poverty through education
'250 million children worldwide can't read. We're on a mission to change that.'  If you visit the No Barriers Foundation website, you will come across this disheartening statistic.You will also meet a bunch of enthusiastic young people who have decided to actually do something about it. Working towards the goal of fighting poverty through education, The No Barriers Foundation...

GCSE Intervention Strategies [For Superb Results]

GCSE Intervention Strategies
It’s that time of year again- the Christmas trees have been taken down, the pine needles have been swept up and the snow has all but disappeared. And, of course, Year 11 will be soon sitting their mock GCSE exams and every classroom teacher will be dreading the onslaught of marking that is teetering on the horizon.But what do you...

Building Active Listening Skills in the Classroom [5 Amazing Ways]

Building Active Listening Skills
The importance of oracy skills is undoubtable. From the early years through to university level and, of course, out in the workforce, the ability to speak clearly, fluently and confidently is undoubtedly vital.But sometimes in the quest to build speaking skills we overlook the other, equally important component of spoken language: listening skills. We will now focus on the...

Homeschooling Your Kid

Homeschooling your kid or home education simply means to educate your children at home.  Instead of sending them to a government-run school or private school, the parent instructs them.This was common practice until the late 1800’s in the United States. Homeschooling never completely went away and found a new resurgence in the 1960’s. Since then it has steadily become...

Teach English in China [What it’s Really Like]

Ever wondered what it’s like to teach English in China?With approximately 400 million people learning English in China, it’s no wonder that there is a huge demand for teachers. More and more teachers from the English-speaking countries are therefore choosing to teach English in China as their next career move.We asked Glen Stratton, who has recently moved to China,...

Teach Online [The Absolute 5 Benefits and Challenges]

The statistics are impressive: online learning is on a dramatically upward trend (165 billion dollars in 2015 and is likely to grow by 5% between 2016 – 2023, exceeding 240 billion dollars).Bearing this in mind, teachers have a need to embrace this relatively new method of teaching and take on both the challenges and rewards it brings.To help with...

Teacher to Teacherpreneur [How to Combine Creativity, Skills and Expertise to Earn Additional Income]

Are you a teacher looking for a challenge, an opportunity to learn new skills, use your professional skills in a different way and earn additional income?Then becoming a teacherpreneur could be for you. ESL/EFL teachers transition to teacherpreneurs as writers, website designers, video makers, and school owners.In December 2015, I left my job as an ESL teacher after 20...

The Top 50 Edublogs of 2017

The Top 50 Edublogs of 2017
Following up on the list we compiled a year ago with the The Top 20 Edublogs of 2015, we have expanded the list to include the top 50 education websites.Out of the numerous websites worldwide focusing on education policies, teaching practices, methodology, or educational technology, some manage to stand out from the rest, garnering a hefty social following in the...

Reading Habits [in the New Literary Landscape]

Developing Reading Habits
Everyone knows the importance of good reading habits and teachers are always wondering how to make students read more. The truth is, they are reading more. Teachers just don´t know how.The idea that students these days have more competition for their time from social media, smartphones and on-demand TV is true but only tells part of the story. A...
Bright Classroom Ideas