If you’ve ever seen a kid who’s busy playing with something, you know that they’re usually having fun. But did you also know that many of these toys are designed to help kids learn? This listicle is going to dig into the best Sensory toys for kids so that you can find the best ones for your child’s needs.
Sensory bins
A sensory bin is a fun way to stimulate your child’s senses, and it can be used for many different activities. The best part about sensory bins is that they are incredibly versatile. You can use them as a tool for teaching colors, letters, numbers, shapes, and more!
You can find all kinds of materials around the house (or even use items from your recycling bin) to create one-of-a-kind sensory experiences for your children. This listicle shares some great ideas on how to make your sensory bins at home:
Mini sensory tubs
Mini sensory tubs are great for younger children. They’re smaller, so you can use them in small spaces, and they’re also cheaper than full-size sensory bins (though not as cheap as other options on the list).
If you want to make your mini sensory tubs, try looking at Pinterest and Youtube for ideas!
Sensory tables
The sensory table is a great way to help kids develop their fine motor skills. It can also be used to teach kids about the world around them and how it works, which will help them learn more about things like colors and shapes.
The sensory table is also a great way to help children develop their social skills because they will be interacting with other children while they play with the sensory toys on the table.
Water beads and floristry foam
Water beads are a great sensory toy that can be used in many ways. They’re easy to use, and they come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Water beads have been popular for years because they’re so versatile; you can use them to create beautiful flowers, sculptures, and jewelry!
The floristry foam is another great sensory toy that can be used in many ways. It comes in different colors and textures which makes it perfect for science experiments or arts & crafts projects like painting with watercolor pencils on top of the floristry foam sheets!

Stickers and shapes
Stickers and shapes are great for learning about shapes and colors, but they can also be used for sensory play. You can use stickers to make a collage or pattern with your child, or even create a picture from them!
Water play
Water play is an excellent way for kids to learn about water. It can help them develop fine motor skills, cognitive skills, social skills, and language skills.
Before you start playing with water with your child make sure that he/she knows how to swim in case there’s an accident. Also, make sure that you have enough towels nearby so that if something does happen you can quickly dry off any wet spots on the floor or furniture or even their clothes!
Here are some suggestions on how to have fun with this sensory activity:
Playdough and cookie cutters
Playdough is a great sensory activity, and cookie cutters are a fun way to make playdough shapes. Playdough can be used to help kids learn about shapes, colors, and letters. You can also use it as an opportunity to teach them math skills like counting or adding up the number of cookies in each shape.
These toys will help your kids learn about the world around them.
These sensory toys will help your kids learn about the world around them.
- The Snuggle-Puppy is a stuffed plush puppy that also plays music and has different sounds for each of its paws. As your child squeezes the foot, it makes a sound that corresponds to whatever hoof he or she is squeezing (for example, if he or she squeezes the left paw, there will be a soothing chime). This toy helps stimulate learning because it encourages children to listen carefully so they know which sound goes with which paw!
- The Light-Up Sensory Ball has bright lights inside of it when you squeeze it. It also makes fun noises when you roll it around on the floor! This ball helps stimulate learning by teaching children about cause and effect: when they squeeze something hard enough (like this ball), something else happens within its structure–in this case, lighting up bright colors to attract attention while playing around at home or school during recess time later today afternoon after lunch break ends at 1 pm sharp so please don’t forget about these things when planning out schedules beforehand because if not then things might get messy fast if not careful enough before making decisions based off assumptions alone rather than facts first-hand experience too often overlooked due some fear factor involved…
We hope this list has helped you find the perfect sensory toy for your child. Sensory toys are great for kids because they can help them learn about the world around them, but they’re also just fun!