How To Use Video Teaching For A Virtual Classroom



Video teaching has become a revolution over the past couple of years, especially since the coronavirus pandemic struck the globe. It is a practical way of education and an enjoyable learning method for students. Even with the pandemic, video teaching is still a pretty innovative and exciting step in the field of education, and now even teachers have started to adapt this method spontaneously.

There is even software like Presentation Video Makers, which has become relatively easy and practical to make video presentations and use for quality video teaching. Most people think that video teaching came into existence after the COVID-19 pandemic. However, that is not the case. Video teaching has been part and parcel of education for the last couple of years, well before the pandemic.

Teachers who are new to their field may find it a bit difficult to get used to this system of education. However, they need not worry as there are a lot of tips and effective ways to adopt video teaching primarily. This article will help guide them on the correct path to success in facilitating and encouraging video learning and teaching methods.

Various ways and methodologies to use video in teaching

Teachers should focus on what kind of content they deliver to their students. One key point that every teacher must follow is to show more and describe less so that the students can adapt and adhere to the teaching.

Undeniably, students find it challenging to pay attention to the taught information, and it is even more difficult for them to grasp all of what is taught. For example, even the brightest students find subjects like history and geography relatively mundane to study.

Therefore, every teacher should know these fundamental steps to implement video in their teaching:

1. Record Video Lessons

There are so many video conferencing apps that teachers use for teaching. However, these limitations restrict teachers from fully utilizing the potential of video learning, even though these apps still allow remote connections between teachers and students.

Students often don’t have devices, so they cannot join live classes. Also, if there are many students on the call, it is not easy to entertain every one of them and engage them. Some distracting elements need to be settled down to maintain decorum.

Therefore, if teachers record video lessons, that will allow their students to watch and learn at their preferable time and spot. It may so happen that some students are not available at their places due to uncertain situations. Thus, recorded lectures will prove immensely helpful in such cases.

Recorded lessons are also helpful for students in analyzing their mistakes. If they cannot clarify their doubts with their teachers immediately, these videos will help them with their doubts.

Anyone can use presentation video makers to record and make excellent video lectures. Teachers can use this to their advantage and create engaging study material for students.

use video

2. Record Student Assignments

Students must be given assignments to track their progress and how well they can grasp them. In video teaching, it may become difficult for teachers to explain tasks to their students with the help of text-based instruction.

Videos solve this issue and make it easy for teachers to make their pupils understand the procedure to solve their assignments quickly and submit them well on time, without making the teachers frustrated!

Videos are, in fact, the best methodology that teachers can efficiently and effectively implement. They are attributed to their quick and straightforward format, enabling students to understand what their teachers require quickly.

Teachers can use presentation video maker to make videos for recording their particular instructions. It also makes every complex topic easy for the students. Interestingly, a single video can make homework quite engaging for them! These videos can include all kinds of information from the due date, forms, grade points, and all other essential details.

3. Resolve Students’ Queries

It is essential for teachers that they provide a room for students to publish all their queries. Students are inquisitive by nature, so naturally, they will put up many questions and raise doubts. So, even if it is a virtual environment, teachers must ensure that they facilitate answering these questions.

Even in such a case, video can become a life saver! Students can direct their queries to their respective teachers, who can then reciprocate via video solutions.

However, one should remember that these videos should be quick, prompt, and to the point and clear up all confusion. These videos are flexible and can be shared with other students or parents with similar queries.

4. Make Announcements Through Videos

It often becomes necessary for teachers to send urgent messages to students. One can also accomplish this with a video message’s proper usage. It also ensures that the concerned news reaches every individual.

5. Using Video for a Feedback System

A video is a tool whose latent potential is still waiting to be fully exposed. And in a virtual classroom, nothing could match the strength of a video.

It allows teachers to let their class know the aspects they can improve along with the fields where they have excelled. Therefore, teachers can record encouraging and informative videos to send feedback to students and parents.

6. Virtual Field Trips To Engage Students

Along with studies, nurturing students by caring for their mental well-being is essential. In a real-time environment, field trips typically help accomplish the same. But, this may become quite challenging in the case of virtual classrooms.

Teachers can thus, go for something exciting and innovative by establishing virtual tours and trips around the globe! This method is convenient because teachers don’t need to be tense about space or time. In situations like global pandemics, this can become a fantastic way to transcend country borders and get exotic sights virtually!


Videos are, without a doubt, tools of extraordinary caliber. If implemented correctly, they prove to be quite handy. Over the past years, these media have benefited teachers in e-learning systems. 

In extreme situations where real-time learning is not feasible, videos are beneficial to make students learn effectively without suffering loss in their studies. Teachers can use videos in different ways to ensure quality learning for their students.

There are different ways for teachers to constructively use videos in teaching, like recording video lessons, assignments for students, resolving queries, making important announcements, feedback systems, and virtual trips.

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Gary Bates
Gary is a TEFL certified English language instructor and teacher trainer. He has a strong academic background and a rich experience in teaching students of diverse cultures. He likes helping learners to overcome their English learning barriers. His strengths are in creating a positive learning environment, applying learners centered strategies, and having a passion for teaching. He teaches in a state school in Orlando.


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