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9 Ways To Bring Big Fun In The Classroom

As a long-time Middle and High school teacher, “bored” is a word I hear too often. Yes, Elementary school might have more parties and field trips but Middle and High school classes can be fun too! As secondary teachers, we can get caught up in the narrative that we have to get through the material so there’s no time...

7 Reasons To Study Cyber Security in Ireland

Since the rise of the internet, the world is expanding online at an incredible pace. From sending money to making big business deals, everything is taking place virtually. The advent of new technologies, applications, and the internet has made our lives much more comfortable and our work much convenient. Gone are the days when we have to wait for...

Teaching With Movies [10 Easy Ideas]

Our world is dominated by the visual element. The moving image in particular, movies, is gaining in both popularity and importance. Movies are everywhere: from YouTube videos, to your social media timeline, to Netflix and the other streaming services. They are a medium that is globally accessible. Teaching with movies is now easier than ever. Movies attract students through the...

How Can A Masters In Marketing Degree Promote Effective Management?

masters in marketing
The Internet's transformation and fast-shifting technologies of the business world call for novel approaches to strategic marketing. Postgraduate courses in marketing are known to equip students will the skills required to assists companies in gaining a competitive advantage. In today’s challenging markets, a marketing qualification from one of the top business schools in the world can provide you with a better...

7 Reasons Why You Should Choose A Career In Travel And Tourism

Travel and tourism is the best professional choice for everyone consumed with wanderlust, as it comes along with adventures that fill your soul. Read this blog to find out about a few fascinating reasons to choose to take up a career as a private jet broker in travel and tourism industry. A private jet charter broker is a company that brokers...

What Does It Mean To Bring Startup Principles Into Professional Learning?

As a former teacher, I know it's taboo, almost sacrilegious to mix together business and education. So before we begin, let's address the elephant in the room. Bringing startup principles into professional learning has nothing to do with starting a business or making money. It has everything to do with supporting teachers so they actually get the opportunity to...

8 Reasons To Use Video Teaching In Higher Education

The coronavirus pandemic has forced institutions of higher education to deliver all of their lectures to students through online videos, due to the closure of their campus facilities. Many individuals believe that this has kickstarted the shift to online education, opening the doors to more widespread, permanent online video teaching.  Video teachings were already frequently used as part of teaching...

The Benefits of Studying Healthcare Management Online

Online studying is steadily becoming a priority for many healthcare management students. The convenience of home learning outweighs the importance of physical class interaction, especially during a global pandemic. If the current crisis continues, online studying may become the norm in the future. However, this paradigm change may come with essential benefits for students in the healthcare field. We discuss...

Identity Safe Classrooms: How To Create Them

Our identities cannot be separated from who we are, how we see the world, how we feel and how we act. Students’ identities greatly influence how they experience school and how they learn - educators’ identities influence how we teach. Throughout history, humans have asked: “Who am I?” Our answers change every day as new experiences accumulate. Each of us...

Would you Seek Academic Help if you Were a Student in Your Class?

It’s ironic. The students that need it, often are the ones that do not seek academic help. Maybe it’s fear, embarrassment, or a lack of the self-awareness to decipher that academic help is needed. Helping Checklist As an instructor, I search for ways to be proactive in addressing this dilemma. Here are a few questions that help me think more intentionally about helping my...
Bright Classroom Ideas