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Five Ways To Support Your Child’s College Dreams

Many kids dream of achieving certain things from their time at college from a very young age. Whether they have the goal of becoming an astronaut or a police officer, your role is not to discourage their choices, but to encourage their success.1. Don’t be dismissiveIt is easy to become dismissive when someone’s idea of a promising career path...

Why Self-Care Should Be On Your Fall To-Do List

In many parts of the world, parents, students, and teachers are in back-to-school mode.  This might mean buying new school supplies and clothes or, if you are a teacher, planning lessons for either in-class teaching or remote learning. For the past two years, I have been writing and speaking about the need for teacher self-care. “Self-care is not selfish. You cannot...

What’s Your Major? The Best Undergrad Degrees To Get Into Medical School

So, you’re thinking that you want to become a doctor or enter the medical field. If you already have a degree, then you may be wondering if it is going to help you get into medical school. Or, if you are just graduating high school, then you are looking to take the right path to have an advantage when...

Teaching Global Competencies

International educator Barbara Anna Zielonka talks about an ambitious project that aims to expose students to real-world situations and inspire them to be true global citizens.What is the SingleVoicesGlobalChoices project in a few words?It is a global and collaborative project for middle and high school students and their teachers starting on the 1st of September 2020. Who is running the...

Producing A YouTube Series with Language Learners

I’m an English-As-Second-Language instructor in Vancouver, BC, and for the past two years have been producing a YouTube series with language learners called English Weirdness, which I publish on YouTube. In each episode of this series, I investigate the strange and confusing side of English grammar and syntax.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sl86swfq4IΙ use dramatization, animations that graphically illustrate the language structures at...

How Does Analytical Writing Affect GMAT Score?

Every student who aspires to take a GMAT test and pass it successfully knows the exam's structure inside and out. One of these parts is essay writing. Since recently, the test has consisted of two writing pieces, the Analytical Writing Assessment and Integrated Reasoning. Such a decision by the Graduate Management Admission Council might make some exam takers assume...

Digital Detox For Teachers In 20 Easy Steps

If the thought of leaving your smartphone at home or not checking it whenever you get the chance fills you with horror, maybe it’s time to think about a digital detox. In order to stay healthy in this super-connected world we are living, we need to adopt viable habits in the way we use technology, and digital detox is...

The Use of Online Teaching Tools

Education is evolving and students are learning in new ways, exploring, creating, and interacting with content through modern channels. We started an online survey aiming to map the new digital landscape, the challenges, the goals, and the tools of education professionals around the world. We have gathered all the data and present the results so far in this post....

5 Key Elements to Help You Revise for Your Physics Exams

What's scarier? A crocodile or a physics exam? Physics exams! With your physics exams approaching soon, if you’re a student in Singapore, you must be already searching on Google for ‘popular physics tuition center in Singapore,’ but guess what? Wasting your time on the internet won't be necessary! We have more accessible solutions to help you prep up!Struggling to...

Online Activities To Amp Your Flipped Classroom

In a flipped classroom students engage with lectures or other materials outside of class to prepare for an active learning experience in the classroom. With online teaching, preparing and delivering online activities and assessment becomes a challenge.How will my students prepare for the online activities?Typically students will do either some form of reading assignment or watch a video or...
Bright Classroom Ideas